Review Detail

Steroids J jsp1

First time ordering from these guys, they were very straight forward and easy the instructions on their website very clear. I ordered ECA stacks and received them very promptly. They were dosed high, exactly what I needed and were a very modest price, most of the things on steroidjuice+ are inexpensive.

The ECA stacks received from Steroidjuiceplus were dosed at 35mg of ephedrine per pill which is very high and is at the ideal limit for if you were to take them 3 times a day. I took the pills 3 times a day, starting with 1 per day, then moving on to two, as it is good to test your tolerance of ephedrine as it's very easy to be sensitive towards it. With this method I didn't receive any side effects but noticed a dramatic reduction in appetite and an additional 2 or so lbs of fat being lost per week on top of merely cutting without the ECA stacks.
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