Review Detail FeaturedHot
Steroids R realroids
(Updated: November 30, -1)

Customer Support & Ordering Process

Customer support is excellent! Unfortunately I had to create a trouble ticket on some order confusion they are very timely and extremely helpful I getting my issue resolved!
Ordering process, they offer a venmo option for payment and it's one of very few sites that I've seen so for me that's the easiest and fastest way to prder

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

Delivery for most products takes about a week and half or more in my experience from time of order to your door. Packaging is very discreet and secure for the most part

Products Ordered

Products ordered we as follows
Danabol 10
Nandrolona D - Decandrol 200
SP Sustanon 250

Product Effects

Danabol 10, dosed at 60 mg a day for 8 weeks
Nandrolona D - Decandrol 200, dosed at 400 mg a week
SP Sustanon 250 dosed at 600 mg a week
Sides, I had to run an AI (Arimidex) .5 mg a day. Some fat and water retention in the lower back and stomach as expected. Not to much acne, but excessive oily skin!
Increase in size and strength, I went on a rice, chicken, fish, pasta diet to help lower the amount of fat attained, I gained 13 pounds in 6 weeks. The increase in strength was remarkable!


All in all you really can't beat the customer service! I highly recommend!!

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