Review Detail FeaturedHot
Steroids R rhino-roids

Customer Support & Ordering Process

I received confirmation of my order straight away and within just a few hours I received my tracking number and received it the following day by 1pm.

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

The package came discreet in a padded envelope, even with a little ebay sticker on which was a nice touch. Nest day delivery was amazing and had run out and in the middle of a course.

Products Ordered

Cenzo Test E and Dbol

Product Effects

Have only started using Cenzo recently as was recommended by a friend but got to say I could feel it working within a couple weeks and have gained good weight


So far my experience wit using the Cenzo brand has been good and would say its quite similar to Cambridge. Packaging reminds me of the old Excel pharma days. I couldn't fault with how responsive they were and quick delivery

Do you recommend this supplier?

Yes, I do!
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