Review Detail FeaturedHot
Steroids S suppsforlife
(Updated: November 30, -1)
Overall rating
Product Quality
Pricing & Offers
Ordering Process
Delivery & Packaging
Customer Service

Customer Support & Ordering Process

The ordering process was very easy. Paid and there was an error for whatever the reason. Asked their customer support team what's going on and on the same day, the issue was solved. Friendly and professional help.

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

My first order. Paid June 24th. June 30th and my parcel were received discreetly. Didn't even expected it so fast.

Products Ordered

Testosterone Cypionate from Beligas. Cypo-Testosterone 2 bottles.

Product Effects

Started to use Test C the same day. Finishing my first week and I already feel the compound working. Great stuff! I used steroids in the past and I know how they should work. I also received bunk compounds in an attempt to find a good source.
I only used 3 ml so far and I am already feeling a man again.


Great store that I am going to use further. My first order was "experimental" so I only ordered 2 bottles of Test. But I made 3 different cycles to use throughout the end of 2021 for which I need various compounds and I am definitely going to use this store for getting them all.

Do you recommend this supplier?

Yes, I do!
Rep: 19
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