Review Detail

Steroids J juji

Great products great service

Great gains. Libido over the top. Bench up to 365 for 4 reps from 285..
Squats up to 405 (10) reps...every time email Venom responded fast.
Super smooth with minimal PIP...orders came over few months...kept getting stronger...added Oxandralone and a delay occurred. ..he simply doubled my order quantity after appologize and remains on the top of my referral list for all friends.
Even got brother changed from local UG source to Venom.
Products are legit...probably more powerful than listed...Tren Enthanate arrives at 200 mg/ml but this stuff is really potent.

Started cycle on Nov 18, 2014. With 2.5 ml of Sustanon 350 per week and 2.5 ml of Tren Enthanate ...quickly lost ability to sleep...minimal night sweat occurred but Trensomnia was pronounced. ..
Will continue to purchase all my gear through Venom.

last order was for seven vials. .he sent me eight!!

So much better than waiting 18-21 days for overseas shipping bullshit ...
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