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Steroids C cleanandclear
This what I found on another site
Bro I just checked Eroids website and Clear is on there so I looked at a review I copied it. Wow I The reason I tried Clean was due to other favorable reviews on Eroids and his cheap prices. My experience was almost laughably bad. The gear was obviously unstable, and his labels, not the new ones he has on his site now, but the older labels on the prop I received, clearly stated EO was part of the mix. I contacted Clean about this as I can't use EO, and his first response to me was to deny its presence, then I sent him a picture of HIS label, and the guy comes back with "Well, I'd run out of 100 mg prop labels, so I slapped on 200 mg labels, it's all in your head dude. LOL..." This was his response to my respectful request for replacements. Either way, the gear kept crashing/not staying in suspension, so not useable. I'm not going to heat gear for 20 minutes every time I want to pin, that is ridiculous. It is also unsettling for this guy to be telling me his gear was intentionally miss-labeled, which it wasn't as far as I can tell - but how can I trust anything he sells or tells me. That is, labels were clearly 100 mg Prop labels. Clean was disrespectful and insulting, and the products I received were unusable. This is not the way to do business, and I gave the guy numerous opportunities engage in dialogue, but he wasn't interested in working things out, and he never did comment on his gear being unstable. I really wanted to like this source, and I hate the distasteful feeling that a "negative" review leaves, especially given other's positive experience with Clean. There are other, quality sources with good customer service and cheap Prop, and I would recommend to all that they avoid using Clean as a source and look elsewhere for cheap Prop. No integrity and no professionalism - very unfortunate. Way way way too much BS with this source. I need to wrap this up, I've tried to keep this as objective as possible. People will still buy from Clean, obviously I won't. so it goes...

This is what he said "Well, I'd run out of 100 mg prop labels, so I slapped on 200 mg labels, it's all in your head dude. LOL..." This was his response to my respectful request for replacements. Either way, the gear kept crashing/not staying in suspension, so not useable. I'm not going to heat gear for 20 minutes every time I want to pin, that is ridiculous. It is also unsettling for this guy to be telling me his gear was intentionally miss-labeled, which it wasn't as far as I can tell - but how can I trust anything he sells or tells me. That is, labels were clearly 100 mg Prop labels. Clean was disrespectful and insulting, and the products I received were unusable.
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