Review Detail

Steroids W worldhgh-top
(Updated: November 30, -1)

Customer Support & Ordering Process

The customer support was great because they are on time and effective. They get back to you quickly. The ordering process is simple even when ordering from the U.S they are very clear and quick.

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

The delivery is fast considering I order from the U.S. The packaging is discreet and durable. The products are never damaged.

Products Ordered

Norditropin 30IU/45IU

Nordex 30IU

Omnitrope 30IU

Product Effects

The results of using these products are an increase in strength and an increase in overall well being. The recovery time post workout is shortened. It doesn't take as long to recover and I feel better after the workout.


They have a great selection, they communicate effectively so they let you know exactly when you will get your products. Also the products come in pretty quick even when ordering from the U.S. My results are great and I feel an increase in strength and how many reps I can do after using my products. is a great source for all your fitness goals, for real.

Do you recommend this supplier?

Yes, I do!
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