Review Detail

Steroids Y yourmuscleshop
(Updated: November 30, -1)

Customer Support & Ordering Process

The ordering process was great. The communication was amazing we talked through email and WhatsApp. They were quick to respond and very quick to send out the order once it was placed. I ordered on a Thursday and received it the very next Tuesday. I have never been more impressed. I will never buy Gear anywhere else, lifetime customer.

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

Ordered on a Thursday and I received the following Tuesday. Packaging was flawless. Bubble wrapped and very professional.

Products Ordered

Deca 200 x 2
Test 400 x 3
Test Cyp x 2
Arimadex 100ct x 2
HCH x 2

Product Effects

Products have been amazing. So far Taking the Test, Deca, and Arimadex in my cycle and my partners are using the HGH and a similar cycle. I have had amazing strength gains and continue to grow. Since starting I have gained 7lbs in two weeks. Very happy!!


Bottom line is this, this company is the best in the business. I have used three to four other companies in my history and no one has come close to the quality, care, pricing, or speed of these guys. I will never look elsewhere. If you want a reliable, quick, and trustworthy company look no further they will deliver!!

Do you recommend this supplier?

Yes, I do!
Owner's reply

Thank you so much for this amazing details review. We are so pleased that our range of products like Deca, Test400, Test Cyp, HCG and more has worked for you. Your are happy with their results.

Also its great to know that our ordering process, communication, pacakging have all contributed to positive experience.

Your feedback means a lot to us.

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