Recent content by adrok11

  1. adrok11

    More than one way to achieve results

    With all of the information out currently promoting the use of lower dose anabolics, I am doing some research and using myself as a guinea pig. I am keeping my performance-enhancing variables add a minimum so that I can tell what is working and what is not. I am also doing a few things that I...
  2. adrok11

    Testosterone and Marijuana use

    I have smoked marijuana almost daily since about 12 years old for medical reasons in for recreation reasons. It has never affected my blood work negatively while I’ve been on cycle or off cycle. It can however reach a point where if you have used the plant in excess, too frequently, you become...
  3. adrok11

    Simple, not stupid, there's a difference.

    <p> I have lifted, or tried, since age 13. I relied on the gym a great deal during the tumultuous teen years, and even competed in a few shows, the first of which was in2008 and I just made my return at the iron Games this year2017. I was making tremendous progress, until I gave it all away...