Recent content by Bkschibear01

  1. B

    Questions First Cycle/TRT

    <p>Hello all,</p><p>I'm looking for some info for my friend ; )</p><p>I'm on TRT from my doc, I'm mean my friend is on TRT from their doc and am doing 150 per week of 200 mg and levels are at 400. If the cycle was at 500 per week should the dosage be upped to 650 per week?</p><p>With being on...
  2. B

    47yo newbie

    <p>Hello all, I'm a 47 year old male. With TRT injections my T level is 406 and the Dr. Thinks that is good enough even though it is the bottom of normal. I started out with the patches but it irritated my skin. 3 years ago I weighed 320lbs and now I average 200. I started out just using an...