Recent content by Tlift

  1. T

    First cycle down! Wooo!

    <p>Hey guys, It has been awhile since I've been on. But I just finished my first cycle, just a basic 12 week 500 test Enth. Did my last pin a week ago (monday) So I will be starting a 4 week pct next Monday. So my question is time on = time off correct? Therefor I should wait 18 weeks before...
  2. T

    Heating up gear

    <p>Hey guys, I  have some that is not going through my 23g without a lot of pressure applied.. I recently tried heating it up by setting the vial in boiling water for a minute & it helped tremendously! Now my question is: is it safe to do so every time I need to pin? Because I’m heating up all...
  3. T

    Creatine stacked with Beta-alanine

    <p>I've taken creatine mono on and off for about 10 years, & in my opinion it's one of best supplements you can buy in store. Lately I've heard people taking Beta-alanine with the creatine, and having increased results by taking them together each day. Anyone else heard about that? or maybe had...
  4. T

    Vitamin C

    <p>Hey guys! I hope everyone is doing good today!</p><p>I was curious how many of you take Multi's or maybe some extra Vitamin C supplements while on cycle? The reason I ask is because I have the worst luck when it comes to getting sick around this time of year and I really don't want to have to...
  5. T

    HCG question

    <p>Haven't looked into this much but from what I hear you take it during you're cycle & it's main purpose is to keep the nuts from shrinking so you recover faster during PCT?</p><p>Is this something that should be taken only in advanced cycles? Because I'm starting a basic 500 a week cyp cycle...
  6. T

    Winter storm Benji

    <p>Is everyone on the east coast enjoying the snow? I'm loving it because now I can do most of my work out in a hoodie & not pass out from heat.. It tends to get crazy humid here in South Carolina.</p><p>Anyways there's a point to this post Lol.. I am getting ready to start my first cycle this...
  7. T

    Splitting dosage

    <p>I just have a quick question regarding Dbol & Clomid. I really just sit around & think up questions to ask you guys cuz I love you all so much ;)</p><p>The question is I hear people splitting Dbol up through-out the day, like if you were doing 50mg ed you would take 25 in the morning and 25...
  8. T

    Drug test

    <p>Will doing a cycle show up on a drug test for a job? It's a piss test & I imagine they would just be looking for stupid stuff like pot or coke. If it does, how long would it stay in your system for?</p><p>Just a normal 500 cyp test cycle.</p>
  9. T

    Source is gone

    <p>No sources name will be mentioned here. I was about to stock up on some product and I saw a certain source I really like is gone off the board. So I was just curious what could possibly lead to that happening. Maybe they're no longer in business or got "caught"..? lol</p>
  10. T

    chicken and rice mfers!!

    <p>Just wondering what type of sauces you guys use to make your chicken and rice more enjoyable. I'm really looking for some teriyaki or chinese sauce but it seems all i can find is marinades which I don't believe you can eat without cooking? ((I'm an idiot when it comes to cooking))</p>
  11. T

    Test 400

    <p>They say there's no such thing as a stupid question, but I feel like this is stupid but I'm going to ask anyways. I recently inquired some test which is a blend of cyp & enth which of course are basically the same thing. But the bottle says 400 mg/ml. Does that mean 1 cc = 400 mg's? The...
  12. T

    protein intake on cycle

    <p>Do you guys take more protein on cycle then off? or do you keep it pretty consistent.</p><p>Also how much? I know most people do 1-2g per lb of body weight</p>
  13. T

    New member here

    <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even"><p>Hello! My name's Ted & I just hit the big 3-0.. 6'1 230lbs</p><p>I've been bodybuilding for over half my life with zero cycles, but I just got my first one...
  14. T

    Needle size?

    <p>Cyp.. thigh. Was thinking 1" 23g. Open to suggestions from personal experience. Thank you!</p>
  15. T

    adex vs asin

    <p>I got everything I need for my first cycle except ai. I am stuck between armidex or armosin. Was hoping I could hear what you guys prefer? & if you guys run it from day 1 or only when symptoms occur.</p>