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  1. R


    Where the best place to order I'm I'm the USA Florida. Last tie I ordered from Dragon Pharma ot came from greece
  2. R


    So just stop the tren. I think it's kicking in cause I seem to have that idk superstrkmg state of mind. I'm 39 6ft 180lbs. I don't eat a ton of food but when I do it protein
  3. R


    Top right of my ass cheek is where I inject it
  4. R Customer Discussions

    What test should I be taking w tren e 200. I've been taking gnc test180xp but I was told to inject test
  5. R


    I feel super tired all day I ordered from Dragon Pharma what test should I be taking
  6. R


    I have no clue what I'm doing and that's y I'm searching for help
  7. R


    I've been taking test 180 xp from gnc 3 pils a day
  8. R


    I've been taking 3 pills a day and 1ml of 200 tren every 2 days but I'm 19 days in and feel nothing
  9. R


    Is it OK to take test 180xp from gnc with tren e