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  1. M

    Should I be bulking during my first cycle to gain muscle?

    Hi, I am 38, 6’3, male, 24% body fat, been working out for about 2 years regularly. I’ve been on my first cycle of Test (500mg/week)for 6 weeks now with 6 weeks left to go. I’ve been eating somewhere between maintenance and bulking cals everyday with at least 200g of protein. I’m seeing more...
  2. M

    Thaiger anavar & Test C - real or fake?

    Hi, I was in India recently and got anavar and test c manufactured by Thaiger. I’ve been taking 40mg anavar for about a week and don’t feel much. I scanned the QR code and it said the product is authentic but when I put in the code manually it says the product is fake. I watched videos...
  3. M

    Anavar for first cycle?

    Hi, I'm 6'3 male, 215lbs, 38 years old. Been working out for about 3 years. My test is currently above 500, estradiol is 40. I am considering doing an anavar only cycle because my aim isn't to get huge but to get some solid muscle and lean out. I've done a bit of research and many suggest...