243 Years of Defending our America


New member

Thanks to everyone who has served. It’s people like you all that allow us to be free. While some may take it for granted, your service is greatly appreciated as you all have sacrificed a great deal for millions of people like me. Thanks again.




Since before history, humans have been at war. Are any just? Maybe WW2 since we had a crazy fucker in power in Germany. The Nazis had their reasons, and the world had reasons to kill him. Most wars on the other hand were more for control over resources to benefit a country, a clan, a tribe, a state, a people. The warriors were given an idea that made their involvement as warriors to make sense; promise of Valhalla, that they were fighting for a greater good, they were fighting for god's will blah blah blah. Whatever the case, these men through the course of human history, whether Vikings, Nazis, Saxons, Romans, Greeks, Native American, the Viet Cong, the crips, the bloods, the hells angles, the sons of silence, these men and women were brave on both sides, the winners and the losers. It's the bravery that we celebrate. Yes, there is collateral damage, and even the warriors who inflicted damage on the so called losing side, live with deep pain and trauma. I was not in the military, but I'm from a military family, and I've heard some nasty stories that tore some of my family members inside out. And, less from being attacked, but more from the seeing death and destruction that was inflicted on the other side. My grandfather was a bomber, and never really slept much or talked much since ww2. My grandmother told me a bit of why he was like that.It was the bombing, and less from being shot at. I have had friends that have fought in more recent wars, and cant even speak of what they saw and even had to do. So, there is actually a lot of pain and distress that comes directly from those that were attacked. Its kept under wraps for a variety of reasons, probably both political, and individual.

Again, it's the bravery any country celebrates, admires, and is proud of. Whether the losing side or the winning side. Sure, we can talk politically of war, and all the bullshit behind politics, but that will lead nowhere.

