9 days in on first cycle for 5yrs not going well...where am i going wrong?


New member

Hi guys i'm new to the board and sorry my first post is for some help...

I'm 36 and last cycle was 5yrs ago. Tren and prop. Very good results. Have done other cycles before this also with generally good results. Started again 9 days ago tren 75g eod prop 75g eod and am considering stopping already

Abs dissapeared after 3 days 

Gyno already (am prone)

BP feels very high

Started nolva 20mg ed after 4 days

Aromasin 12.5mg eod started yesterday

T3 12.5mcg ed started yesterday

I eat v clean and drink lots of water

Was in good shape before started this cycle 11bf athletic build. Feel great energy high but sides are crap and want to come off already. 

I've messed this one up but not sure how...doses pretty low and tolerated well last time.

Any help and advice would be really appreciated










My experience ,a lot changes in 5 years ,yes your dose are moderately low I was just on same cycle ,but double dose ,,thing is with me 'I started my aromansin ,on 2 and day ,,your running  75 tren EOD I'm assuming its a ,,of course ,also why the Nov ??? Im not liking the Nov ,at all ,,IMO you started your aro, way to late ,look at the half life on tren a and prop ,,your e2 is elevated ,,also your running a 19 nor ,,where's the dopamine agnostic ,tren a will bite you in days ,,also prop alone ,will get your e2 ,in days ,, brother I just stopped a cycle early at 6 1/2 week we'll I dropped tren ,and my organs are recovering ,also I would stop this ,regroup ,and start my cycling as a newbe ,, 5 years a long time just my option 

ALSO, BRO ,YOU HAVE NO INTRO,I gave this advice because I feel your in need ,I would go make a propper intro ,and get more feedback from other members ,there are a lot more seasoned members here 



New member

You are retaining massive water.  Nolvadex is  your AI , mmmm no likey too much get some adex ?  Have you got any proviron ?   And get that salt out of the diet . Don't bail just yet, try to get your water down and I think you'll see.



New member

thanks for advice. tempted to try and fix it but don't know how. i have aromasin and proviron. what doses



New member

thanks for post mate sounds like good advice, need to decide if try to fix or quit. i will make an intro. cheers.



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if i just stop, only been on 9 days, will est levels drop and water go? should i continue with aromasin during pct?



New member

At 9 days in you might even get away without PCT . If you continue then take your asin for 2 days @ 25 mg a day, then 3 days at 12.5 mg a day and take that at night.  Take proviron ED @ 50 mg a day .  After 5 days lets see where your at and likely adjust that AI down a bit more.




You should probably have some caber on hand as well like seigmund mentioned.



New member

understood. solid advice and really appreciated. next pin is tomorrow so will make up mind before then. gotta admit i'm nervous about making a mess even worse. i'll keep you posted. great help on very first post, thanks again guys



New member

The caber is great I use it, but in your case its not a must at this moment. He is right you should have it but you have a fire to put out now so you can get back on track.  5 more days gives you 2 weeks I don't think your going to go completely haywire in that time. Not everything runs perfect every time, sometimes you've got to adjust as you go.




If it were me I'd do 25 aro for the first few day then fall back to 25 mg EOD ,and the prov I was doing 50 end but I'd start this at 25 ed and adjust if with this ,your not right after a week ,abort ,also I'd never run a 19 without at least having a agnostic on hand ,,this is just my opion and what I would do for me

Also if it were me I'd be doing .5 caber e3d




Good advise standing I didn't even stroll down the page ,,and I gave same advice ,almost to the t well were on the same page and makes me feel good cause I know you exp.lvl ::)))



New member

There is a lot of speculation that Nolvadex should not be run along side 19nors (Tren/Deca). It is believed that Nolvadex does something to increase prolactin buildup when using 19nors.



New member

you're right i'll give it another week. did 25mg arom last night and looked leaner this morning. carrying on with t3 25mcg ed. took 25mg proviron this morning and it got my BP right up (i guess it was this anyway). prefer not to carry on with proviron. should i increase arom dose slightly if i cut out the proviron?




New member

Proviron will actually raise BP too, so if you want to cut that out its fine for now, but it does help control water. Don't change that AI dose from what I said though , do 2 days then 3 and adjust after that.



New member

ok will do. done 2 days at 25mg so 3 days at 12.5 left. Pinned yesterday. water looks unchanged since yesterday but noticeably less than 2 days ago. BP still feels high today.



New member

When you say BP "feels high "  do you mean you arent actually checking it ? Go buy an Omron blood pressure tester.

 Also I might aught to have asked you before, but you arent using liquid AI's are you ?   I personally do not care for liquids.  Tablet is best.
