A girlfriend of mine that wants to start


New member

she has been working out with us boys for 2 years now and she just caught on that we are enhanced and she swears she wants to do a cycle we tried to talk her out of it for the past 3 months and she just call us all hypocrites so I told her to do her reaserch and then come back and talk to me about it so when she came back she said she wanted to try lady car and winstrol idk how she got that stack but what is a good starting cycle for a girl in her 20's who has been working out everyday for the past 2 years she has def hit a plateau even switching up her routine every two weeks like the boys any contribution would be greatly appreciated.




her just stick to the var at first.   See how that helps before stacking a bunch of stuff bro.  



New member

Bad idea to run var and winnie at the same time, in fact I know a pro female BB I supply and she wont even run the two together. Lady Var is typically dosed at 10mg



New member

Great info this is what she came to me with so I wanted to run it by the boys first to see what the thought was so just lady var what dose Ed and how long typically do they run it I'm clueless to lady's cycles obv. So any help is greatly appreciated I want this girl to do better not hurt herself in anyway 





10 mg a day for 30-45 days for starters bro.

he may supply some VAR for a little trade off..



New member

certainly wouldnt be the first time LOL . I can just imagine all the way back in the stone age,  "UGH UGH I'll give you this racoon pelt if you blow me "




Post up a modest pic of her and I will tell you if she has hit a plateau,Because in 2 two years I seriously doubt she is stalled out,Women progress slow that is fact,I doubt she just "found out" you guys are enhanced and I would bet dimes to dollars one of you guys is secretly encouraging her to do a cycle.Which I would say do not do it let her stay natural,I want to hear her lifting stats!And just FYI you don't need to switch up your routine every two weeks that is a Terrible way to break a plateau




That your friend is a female who has been training 2 years so the gains she has gotten are probably equivalent to a male training for 6 months.Tell her to stay natural and Not listen to male juice heads. At least for another year minimum



New member

Thanks for all the advise guys I will relay the message we are still trying to get her to put 100%into her workouts also we really have to push her to sweat



New member

my wife ran 15mg of var a day for six weeks had amazing results was her first cycle but it did give her a little raspy voice that hasn't fully gone away yet, so def have her read the negative sides of it so she can make an informed decision to see if its worth it for her.




I've heard that anavar is one of the compounds that is often not as advertised, and that it can be bad news for some ladies if they get adrol, or some other oral thinking it's Avar. Choose your supplier of labyvar carefully.


millsberry pie

New member

she doesn't need gear she needs to shift gears and sweat. if shes not putting in 200% then gear is a waste of money and the sides are not worth it. my wife works out 3 times a week and she is gym lazy. no sweat no straining just going through the motions. but she knows she going to get out what she puts in.




Mills, I miss that mask u wore when u first started here. I thought right away "madman" and God knows I love a madman... Now I know its "Good man".. Always good to hear ur word brother..
