A little help


New member
I'm a fifty year old fifteen year emphysema patient - diagnosed at thirty five, lucky me. I've been on a two day split four day week (on oxygen every workout) for a little over two years and would like to see more results as well as maybe help restore some elasticity in my bronchial tissues. I'm in a new world and I just ordered some Nandroxyl 250 and Testoxyl Cypionate 250. I sure could use a little help, and any advice.


New member
I think you should check in with a DR. Be Safe about it. Or just add protein powder to your diet. It would be alot more safe then using steroids with your condition my friend.


New member
Do NOT use any of that stuff until you talk to your doctor.

He will not bash or yell at you, He will be please you asked and concerned for your health.

He will give you just the facts....its cool to ask him.


New member
ok nandrolone decanoate at 400 mgs per week run susta 1/2 ml every other day as for decca i would mix it up with the sust say 1/2 ml of each EOD..........now that being said have they thought of putting you on something called deccadron........i would also wonder weather clen would be a good thing check with your dr i know it is uused in europe as a brochio dialator.......meaning it opens up the airways and allows ppl to take in more oxygen...who knows really......check it out with your DR....decca by the way does have amazing healing properties to it.....BUT DUDE u gotta really run this whole cycle idea by your DR make sure he fullly iunderstands every compound you are planning to take...BY law he cant report it but does have to help.....


New member
Hey, thanks for days etalon. Thanks to the others for your concerned responses too. I'll defintely see doc about that deccadron and all the rest. He's done so much for me I just didn't wanna put him in a spot. As to your advice, I'm also a head trauma survivor so I'm kinda walkin' around with my blinker on, and you gave me great help and confidence. Thank you sir.


New member
Yeah, I'm gonna do that. Doc already said be careful with this stuff--even a bump up to my normal level might make me come off like a woman at a garage sale, ha ha. I should be alright, I'm a medically retired prison guard too, so I'm pretty tired of adversity. Good call.


New member
Hello Spunky,
I agree with your Nandroxyl 250 and Testoxyl Cypionate 250 taken decision. I am sure that it's certain effective youself. But please first consult your doctor then will be started it's all.


New member
Right on. Thanks again everybody. Yeah, Doc said to mix .5 of each once a week, but I'm probly gonna add another .5 of testa per midweek. He also said throw down some creatine preworkout with that. 'cept now I gotta see my pulmonologist about this new Spiriva news: "...increased the risk of a heart attack by 53 percent, cardiovascular death by 80 percent and stroke by 46 percent..." Dammit, I'm gonna die healthy if it kills me, ha ha ha.


New member
Good luck bro, be careful.
I like the way you think and you behaviour regarding your health problems.
With such a motivation there won;t be problems with recovering


New member
Right on, quentin. Ya know, if it wasn't for Ol' What's 'er Name and my doc I'd o' been feedin' the worms long ago. Now thanks to them and all you folks on this forum with your help & kind words I'm takin' off like a bottle rocket on steroids, ha ha.


New member
well creatine is up to you bro i really dont think you will need it you are gonna retain enough water with the susta besides bro in my opinion you will get enough creatine if you eat chicken vreasts etc....key is get the diet good and working big cal intake for sure...diet is the main part you get your diest down you will get huge gains if your diet is crap you may not see much


New member
Herbal? Not really. I currently mix glutamine with creatine pre-workout and throw down some whey post (and Saturday and Sunday for the rest.) If that was an oxygen deprivation question I wear oxygen every workout and make my own Penta water to hit during workouts for the sake of my peak flow capacity. I used liquid rhodiola in capsules for a long time and increased my blood oxygen level by ten points but quit that some years ago cuz it got so scarce.