a lot of banned members


New member

So i've been going through some old posts and I see a lot of banned users. What's the deal, what'd they do? I guess the question is how do you get banned? lol



New member

Its very hard to get banned here. You are free to speak your mind and should never hold back a point of view, just be prepared to support it in a civilized manor. If losing an argument sets you off on a chain reaction of abusiveness and disrespect then its probably best to avoid it. Also as far as I know you will never get banned without a warning, unless of course it is discovered you are a scammer, an intentional troll or someone else with no intent other than trouble.




Yup what nytex says is true you really have to screw up big time here to get banned. You see, we all check our ego's at the door and respect each others input creating a comfortable atmosphere to mingle and discuss topic that we enjoy. However, those who mistake nice for stupid soon find out thae we do not tolerate any bullshit as they are sliding on thier ass right through the front door. Hey there are many other sites and I have always said that our intentions run parallel, but what makes a review site a place to call home is its personality. If you want to talk trash and pull out the ghetto attitude then there sits that you will fit in just fine. What to get badged, talked down to, and disrespected for asking a simple question then there are also sites that can accommodate you. 

We are proud of who we are here and stride to keep this place tidy and clean from the disrespectful bullshit that ezlxists elsewhere. 

Members that you with ban tags I can Guarantee you that they were giving more than one chance to clean their act up. Many of them were moles from other sites playing games yet we still gave them a chance. 




Milk, I couldn't have said that better myself. and well written I might add. I don't share much with you but mad respect. That's all this fuckin world needs to get along with others is respect.. Thank you for your contributions to MG and most likely the world......




They were dickbags from the door bro. Punks that have know idea how to be men. BOYS acting tough and not being respectful.. The beauty is they get shown the curb... And if I may say so. their lucky their in a virtual world because they may have gotten seriously hurt...




X2 we are all respectful tactful here if you wanna compare dicks and smack talk not to mention nut hug sources for gear there is some other sites you will fit right in with but not here that's why this is my home



New member

That there is a 'tone' that is set for this place, we have a standard that remains constant while at the same time being free to express a difference of opinion from one another. I am very grateful for everything all you boys have done for me, foreal. I like to play and joke around but honestly I feel a sense of responsibility to this place because of how it has freely given to me. I am glad to know that along with me there are so many brothers who will help to protect this house and help the next man that comes along.




What these guys said...you have to be a cock sucker and epic fuck up to get the ban hammer here.



New member

It's a great thing I like pussy then.. should be safe! All jokes aside though, I totally see the value of this site. Every day I learn something new and I don't mean only about AAS, but about training, supplements or even the world view of some great brothers. Keep up what you are doing, I enjoy this place, a lot!
