A template of when to start PCT



With so many starting cycles these days without aas researching & knowledge, we often see the same questions over & over. One question we see all too often is, " I'm finishing my cycle & need help with pct?" I believe before any cycle is started we should research, research & research some more until we are confident of the risk & reward & we have an understanding of the compounds.  Not only should our cycle be planned meticulously, our PCT should as well & all Ai's, Caber if running a 19 nor & all of our PCT should be on hand before the first pin. It's a good practice to always have extra incase circumstances arise also. Here's a short list of when to start PCT according to what you're cycling. Hopefully this will help answer some questions, & it may help some realize that beginning PCT various. Also note that these starts times are just a guide where to start, some may need to change according to the doses of compounds & the fact that bodies do react differently.


Short Esters:

Test Prop

Tren Ace 



All short ester cycles PCT can start 3 days after last pin. Short Esters are also used many times as a taper from a long ester cycle so PCT can be started sooner.


Long Esters:



PCT can start 21 days after last injection. It's also common to drop the Deca or Eq a week or two early to allow it to clear the system the same time as the Test



Test Cyp


PCT can start 18 days after last injection 


Test E

PCT can start 14 days after last injection 









I know that Sust & Cyp are debatable as far as start times. Sust I was taught 18-21 days & Cyp 14-18 days... I'm not sure how would be the safest way to post it?




have a better chance of recovery your better off waiting 3 weeks after your last injection of test e/c 2 weeks is not long enough and using hcg strategically can help recover way better. 2 weeks you will still have a lot of endogenous hormone still present which will make it harder to turn on your natural system/short esters I would atleast wait a week




but the way I would use it would go like this,1-12 weeks test c week 10 I would run hcg until week 14 with pct beginning on week 15.the dosing would be dependent on If you ran a 19 nor or not but if just say test I would use 500ui 2-3xs a week. It also makes the 3 weeks off of test much more tolerable a much smoother transition 




X2. I agree with Jeromes. I just successfully recovered (Waiting on Bloodwork) and feel great on a very similar Protocol that he stated. My last few cycles were all shorts and I used to start PCT 3 or 4 days after last pin. This time I waited 7 days to let the exogenous test exit my body. I will add that it depends on age and how many cycles you have done and what compounds. I found it hard to recover from Deca by not Tren. Not sure why..




I used to follow the exact protocol that you posted Jar. I believe it is a good baseline for people to start with till they know how they'd respond. I did find that incorporating HCG is a must for me. I saw a post Burr posted a while back to someone  That was using Test E to wait 3 weeks to Start PCT to let the exogenous Test exit the body so I gave it a go. You know I'm careful and only have about 6 cycles in me But at 47 YO I did respond nicely to my last PCT.. There were some tough days and week 3 after last pin was the worst.
