Acne, accutane & vitamin b5


New member

Hi guys 

im 6'2 210lbs currently on my 3rd cycle which is test deca & dbol. i have had some acne appear  my shoulders and back and is really getting to me. I have bought some accutane But obviesly I can not use this along side dbol as they are both very toxic for the liver and have read that it is not wise to use at the same time. would I be able to start the accutane straight after the dbol at a low dose along with milk thistle ? Or would I have to have a break in between the dbol/accutane? Also I have read high doses of vitamin b5 is sucsessfull on some(but not all) so I am currently day 2 into this. Any ideas on how long it will take to show results or any other advices ?




New member

Or is it worth kicking the dbol and just starting the tane. Just worried I will not make as good gains. My diet and gym are on point 




the gains from dbol are only temporary anyway. , orals are more a kick start , unless imo you add var in at the end and its a real nice fine tuner. .. but if it were me. , id just drop the dbol , the test and deca will do its job very nicely. 




You need to use an ai to control your estro, and acne will not be much of an issue. 

What ai are you using, and how much how often?



Well-known member

You need to go get some bloods drawn ASAP. Asking for advice without blood work to review is like playing pin the tail on the donkey without a donkey. ;)

The safest course of advice is to go tanning or red light therapy to help relieve your acne.






We both know bloods are the best course of action, but realistically everytime someone has an issue arise especially a novice user who's still learning their body and how they react to different compounds isn't typical among 99% of users, and not a realistic scenario. Hell I'd have had to get bloods done every 2 or 3 weeks my first few cycles. Excessive acne is a very clear sign e2 is elevated, and a simple addition of an ai would help alleviate the issue. Then about 7 weeks into the cycle bloods would be better to not only see how his ai is working, and if adjustments are needed, but would also let him know how good his test is.



Well-known member

No disputing that Dolf but I personally cannot in good conscious offer advice on 'certain' issues without seeing recent blood work. Many issues can be advised without blood work and many shouldn't. It may appear to be over cautious but I rather be certain than provide advice that could harm another individual due to unseen health issues.

Regular blood draws are one of the most overlooked aspects in AAS use in my minimal online forum experience and I simply believe we have a personal responsibility to advice them in many cases. Blood work is particularly important in the case of a novice user. It is a good learning experience for them and a good habit to develop as early as possible.

That's not being unrealistic. That is simple and practical common sense. I can't put a price on the personal health of another person and will advise accordingly. If it teaches them a new habit sooner than later than it is effective advice. I have recently seen some advice offered on here that would certainly place most individuals in health jeopardy or at least overlooks the potential seriousness of the issue. That has triggered me to take a more cautious approach. I certainly hope my new approach is not seen as a bad thing. ;)





New member

Thanks for descent answers! I will try get some blood work in this week! Also I have arimidex and aromasin But I haven't started one or the other. I was going to start on week 4-5 I was thinking aromasin at 12.5 ed. could this be a sign of my estrogen getting to high then ? Shall I start it no? only really want to use accutane as a past resor . However I am going on holiday in September. Hoping to clear it all by then!





I knew you weren't running an ai lol. Dbol aromatizes very rapidly, and an ai should be started about week 2 into your cycle with dbol's use. Being that you're relatively new to aas I'd go with adex at .5mg eod because adex being a type 2 inhibitor is much more forgiving if you go to far. Then I'd get bloods about week 7 to see where you're at with your ai, and to see how good your test is. Excess acne is your first sign of elevated estro.




I completely understand, and don't disagree one bit, but acne isn't caused by a life threatening issue. It's clearly a sign of elevated estro. Unless you're running tren because that shit will give acne no matter what. 

BTW if you see life threatening advice call them out! Let me know too...




I wouldn't run the Accutane unless acne is an issue off cycle as well. Accutane has some nasty sides that can become life long issues which is why it was banned in the U.S. If you decide to run Accutane wait until you are off cycle. It's designed to be ran for 6 months or more to permanently rid your body of acne. It's not designed for short term use as an acne spot treatment. You can get antibiotics for short term acne flare ups which is a much safer alternative to Accutane. 



New member

Ok cheers for the info! I'm onit, the thing is I had acne at school/collage ect quite bad. Then it cleanerd up about 3-4 years ago and I was good as new. Then within a few weeks of my cycle boom im smoverd on my shoulders lol.  It it's strange that I didn't receive it on my other cycles? But then I didn't run the dbol and started my ai from day dot. So I suppose that would deff narrow it down to estrogen levels ? 




Well-known member

Dolf said:
</p><p>acne isn't caused by a life threatening issue. It's clearly a sign of elevated estro.</p><p>
</p><p>No doubt but since I know nothing else about the members history and because they appear to be new to AAS I chose to advice blood work. This gives them the opportunity to see what elevated E2 looks on paper when comparing it to the physical side effects. It also will let them see if they have any other 'out of the normal range' markers that could be indications of unforeseen health issues. ;)</p><p> </p><p>SEMPER FI</p><p> </p><p> </p>