Add Tren to end of Dbol, Test cycle???


New member

I'm about to start a test, dbol cycle and since summer is here I'd like to come out of this a bit leaner than I had originally planned so I'm thinking of adding something to the end of that will still add more muscle just keep me lean as well. I was thinking something like this.....

week 1-12 test cyp 400mg/wk

week 1-4 dbol   40mg/day 

week 5-12 tren e. 200mg/wk

What do you guys think and what would you recommend other than tren for that purpose? Thank guys




I think its a bad choice,what is your ai,??what you using for prolactin??have you ever run tren ?? And if you want to lean out don't use dbol 



New member

As sieg said, if your looking to lean out maybe dbol wouldnt be the best option, turinabol, winny, anavar etc?

Could also maybe use an oral at the end of the cycle to bridge into pct, just to dry you out a little more

Weeks 1 - 4 oral

Weeks 10 - 14 oral

Then PCT.

If you were to run tren enanthate id run it from the start too, or if putting it in later maybe a shorter ester.



New member

Why put Tren at end of your cycle, start it right from the beginning … also if using Tren -E up your dosage to at least 400mg per wk drop the D-bol and add Mast instead  at 400mg per wk,  and if your intent on using an oral use winny at 50 mg ed 6 wks max !! ..remember with Tren-E you won't start seeing it until 3 or 4 wks in thats when it really shines



New member

Well I do think tren is a fantastic tool for cutting and building nice muscle, but what have you run before ?

 There are other ways to go besides the tren.  Ive said this a thousand times so guys probably think Im a broken record with one idea only, but Sustanon and NPP is really such a great combo, and if you wanted to kick it off with some anadrol you could. 




 Will say this agion ,,op,isn't 18 years of age ,,does not have the experience ,to tell a side from a basic test cycle ,,,and in no way am I bashing here ,,I push safety ,and IMO for me ,, op should be getting advice on ai,looking up and seeing what a dopamine agnostic is ,,running a test cycle and learning how his,sides ,,I'm out ,,,I just can't give someone who is so young and in experienced the green light with 19 nors ,,and its not as npmuch the age but experience but that's me ,,,I'm out



New member

For lean muscule mass i would advise to run:

1-12 proviron 25-50mg a day 

1-12 test 

7-12 tren

 Leave tren for the last kick in your cycle. 



New member

Like sig stated, safety is key and number one and based on your pic, you will do fine without the tren and quite frankly unless you eat like a horse all your going to do is pack on size and with the test and dbol and the tren will only rip it all right off you again unless your calories are through the roof. To manipulate those compounds to do what your trying to do its not just at what weeks you introduce the compounds, its really about how your diet is. I know people hate  to hear it and/or read it, but from experience though tren is amazing its an advanced compound for someone who can manipulate their eating and training habits to get the desired result. If you think the combo alone is going to magically rip you up it only shows the inexperience and this is not a bash brother at all its only concern for ya. I like the suggestion of test and an oral up front and no oral for 4 weeks and then maybe another at the end. EAT EAT and EAT but you gotta know your body and how to manipulate your macros for the desired effect and if this all seems greek then you have your answer. Research and ease into it unless this is your 20th cycle and you know what your doing. Good luck and ask questions like the one you did, its how you gain knowledge brotha. People giving you the pointers you don't want to prob hear are the ones you should listen to, because we are most likely not parroting info we have been at it long enough and have tried first hand. Its easy to read a steroid profile and assume "hey these sound like they would be great together" but its just not that simple.
