Addictive Personalities



Addictive Personalities

Based on the feedback received from my “Who Drinks” forum topic, and the direction it was going, it seemed to set the table for a new topic of interest which is that of Addictive Personalities. Quite a few of you had commented on other routes to  relaxation like smoking weed or popping a few pills here and there, while others hinted of recovery they may be proudly trying to express. This makes for a good a topic and a place where members can share their past or present experiences. 

Addictive personalities are those of people who easily fall victim to pleasurable activities and repetitively continue to seek such pleasure. The use of alcohol, drugs, sex, steroids, or anything that brings pleasure can constitute an avenue for becoming addictive. Heck, even rapists, murders, and abusive persons can have addictive personalities.

Are addictive personalities a bad thing? Well that surely depends on what one is addicted to. Just because you drink two pots of coffee a day and crave that caffeine buzz doesn’t mean you’re a terrible person.  But for someone who has become dependent on alcohol or substances, they can elaborate just how powerful an addictive personality can be. Does the same hold true for they guy who smokes two packs of cigarettes a day,  the gal who downs a bottle of wine twice a week,or the guy who blows a few bones ? Is that problem ? It would be nice to get some feedback on this topic..

High five to those who have battled any form of addiction. Winning that battle means continuing to remain sober through all of life’s ups & downs. Many of us are winners of that battle and stand proud. Just about everyone knows somebody who has struggled with some form of addiction or have hands on experience with someone close to them.

This forum is for anyone who wants to contribute to this topic. Perhaps it will help others who are right on the fence of getting help and your input persuades them to do so. Whether it’s your own experiences, or someone you know, feel free to share with the community. This forum will remain free from any form of bashing or criticism, I will assure you that.




Hell ya deffently addict personality,,mine started when I worked for the union this was back in the 80's ,,long story short a scaffold collapsed with me on it ,, broke the ribs,, sternem shattered( if you look at my pics close ,you see it never healed right) well hospital for a month and out of work a few years and that's when doctors threw percocets and morphine at you like ,,jelly beans needless to say I fought that bull shit all my life ,,prison didn't help others more there than the streets but its been 10 years ,, and you would have to tie me down pry open my mouth and force feed me a pain pill,, and trust me I've pulled some muscles that the pain was a 10 and ibprophen for me ,,, no pain can be worse than a monkey on your back had my hand but cut off ,,another accident said I wouldn't use it agion just like they said I'd never do construction action ,, well I got a buss,, and I'm my top employee ,,and my workout speak for there self ...good post ..last injury I had took ampatriplyn ,,its non narcotic and anti depressant helps for pain ,, 




Them there designer drugs are what scare me with the younger generation. Pharma parties where they mix pills in a bowl and grab a handful is Russian roulette for sure. What ever happened to the days of sneaking in the woods, blowing a few bones, and laughing your ass off for a few hours. Or gulping that pint of blackberry brandy while fishing in the creek and getting all stupid. It all boils down to attractive personalities. If you take too much pleasure in things that make you feel good then there is a good  chance you will need to graduate to something stronger. Case and point :

A good buddy of mine,in our early 20's,  cracked up on his crotch rocket and road cashed his back all to hell. He was an average young man, hitting the bars on the weekend cruising chicks and rolling a J every now and then. Well after his accident, doc put him on the oxy's for pain. From there, a month later once the script ran out, he graduate to the smack (Herion) an his life totally fell apart. A year later they found him in his garage dead. By continuing to feed his addictive personallity it cost him his life.

We hear stories like this all the time, but those around people like this must have been able to see we warning signs. You would be amazed how many people want help but are afraid or don't know how to ask for it.




You milk that brings up a idea I have ,,I got like 10 year ,, no pills weed no nothing how about a recovery ,, lounge ,, you know there,, since its on line ,,just maybe it will save one of our lives ,, be nice to have ,,since we all enjoy the iron and ,, our aas   I'll be honest some of the cycles I see plp  running I have to ask my self is that there addiction ,,,I see some shit 150 tren e ,, 150.DECA , 6 weeks anadrol and dbol  kick both mg at 50 test 1 gram a week bro its scary ,, and sorry for the loss of your bro ,,trust me a lot of mine are there also ,,, by the grace of god I'm here ,,the shit I been through and I don't take my life for granted anymore
