adrol 50


New member

My opinion is anyone who claims to be a "Steroid" tester/ validator/mass spec report provider is blowing smoke up peoples ass. Its amazing what a huge following those swindlers had over on Eroids and if you chimed in with your opinion you simply got banned. Such a scam burns me up thinking about it. These are peoples money you are screwing them out of, stay honest and true and a source will do well. Sad that administration covered up such scams. Tells alot. 



New member

Plus isn't member reviews enough to validate gear ? The whole testing thing over there was to build up sources for profit. Cocksuckers. Still smoking pissed thinking about it. ( Tren kicking in )




I'm with cheesy ,Wes your a solid member ,I know you quite some time ,and I know we know alot.of.the same.plp..and I know you have nothing to gain or looking for a freebe ,your word is golden here



New member

Dbol has been mine for years and I thought I would switch it  up now I regret  it . Only out a little  donation  money so that not what hurt it the way the source handled  it.  Was hoping for a good kick start to the cycle but sadly  disappointed
