AI and PCT Time Frames


New member

Brothers!!!!! This is AI/PCT 101. In regards to running an AI.... Why would I start running Adex or Aromasin starting on week 1 rather than later for longer ester and continue to run the AI until the final stages of the cycle, possibly up until PCT??

This will be a 2 part question and any constructive or destructive criticism will be taken  careful consideration

1. lets  a cycle of 500mg test Cyp per week. Why start Adex on week one instead of week 5 or 6 after the Cyp is already in working progress. I can see if starting Adex on week 3 of running a short ester Test such as Prop. 

2. running  12 week cycle of Cyp and Anadrol (wk 1-4, 9-12) Provioron starting on week 1 and run until the start of PCT??? Why not???


Help me out please




Ok brother I will try my best to answer based on my interpretation of the questions.  First of all, it's important to know your body & listen to your body when you take an ai. If I remember correctly, you have cycled before but never used ai or pct. I would assume that you are not as e2 prone & especially while only taking test. It is my recommendation to have an ai on hand but not starting until you start to notice signs of your e2 raising. I run mine very loosely until I see signs like my ankles or wrist swelling & sensitivity behind the nipples for around a week or so.  I'm currently using adex & running .5mgs every 3-4 at night before bed. If needed, I can change dose to .5 eod. One thing that's important to remember about your e2 is this, it's as devastating to crash your e2 as it is to allow it to get too high. Keep a cycle log & log signs of sides also. 

Also as far as proviron, it wouldn't hurt to run it your entire cycle. It will also help keel estrogen at bay. 

If this is not clear or you need a better understanding, please continue to ask!



New member

I have never run and all short Esther or fast acting cycle such as Prop, NPP, and DBol. Makes sense. You pretty much nailed it. I'll post a cycle after I see the doc. Just need to get bloods anyway due to some prior fuckin issue. Still can't believe it. Yes need to post the cycle. Basic and light really Thank



New member

JARHEAD2 said:
</p><p>Ok brother I will try my best to answer based on my interpretation of the questions.  First of all, it's important to know your body & listen to your body when you take an ai. If I remember correctly, you have cycled before but never used ai or pct. I would assume that you are not as e2 prone & especially while only taking test. It is my recommendation to have an ai on hand but not starting until you start to notice signs of your e2 raising. I run mine very loosely until I see signs like my ankles or wrist swelling & sensitivity behind the nipples for around a week or so.  I'm currently using adex & running .5mgs every 3-4 at night before bed. If needed, I can change dose to .5 eod. One thing that's important to remember about your e2 is this, it's as devastating to crash your e2 as it is to allow it to get too high. Keep a cycle log & log signs of sides also. </p><p>Also as far as proviron, it wouldn't hurt to run it your entire cycle. It will also help keel estrogen at bay. </p><p>If this is not clear or you need a better understanding, please continue to ask!</p><p>
can I run the Proviron up until I start my PCT? Let's say if I'm running a Cypionate. And Eq/ Anadrol ,while running the Proviron for the entire cycle up to the PCT? It just makes sense to me to not allow any excess estrogen conversion. Does that make sense. Instead of running nothing for two weeks after my last pin why not run the Provera on up until I start the nova and Clomid???? But i'll be running short esters anyway but this is for educational purposes and knowledge/p>


New member

the proviron up till the very start of the PCT but make sure to tape off it as it has an antidepressant type of effect while you are on it so when you come off if you stop abruptly it can make some peeps very depressed.




brother - you need some estrogen in your body. Its beneficial for Joint health, and libido. Granted it need to be at bay, in other words, low estro, but not close to zero.

Some guys take too much of the AI, and it goes too low, and side effects like loss of libido, and joint pain creep in. I personally felt both sides, not fun. I guess its a balance we have to keep.

reddit has a nice post discussing it from a couple of years ago:





+2 sam

Kinda like balancing out on a see-saw. Can't have a fat ass nor a skinny ass on either side. 



New member

Hell yes I am glad that I open this up today I really needed to look over these comments and reviews thanks guys.




Getting blooda done and keeping notes will help you make informed decisions. 

For me, I gradually work up to a full dose of adex by week 4
