AI test400 deca dbol


New member

Whats up..... post i didnt have a AI ...been on aremidex for a few days and im now starting to feel better ...i am.back on the hole stack ... weights in the gym are shooting back up ... water weiggt is returning a bit ... amazing how HIGH e2 can hender gains ....and make i look thinner ...


Im g2g now  still beleive the gear is not exactly correct mg .. but its my lyfe style ...






New member
Good to hear brotha, how long u been on? Dbol particuralliy will kick estro through the roof, but that stack should def put size on regardless. Diest and training obv effect this, but not sure why no big gains, what are ur doses? Also from experience running an ai def may seem like gains are less just simply by not making u hold water, but take progress pics, the mirror is better to go by then the scale. Im running test p npp dec and test e and because of the short esters and the ai ive put on 8 lbs lean gains, my physique is where i see it most and id rather keep 10-15 of keepable slow gains then to throw on 25 to 30 sloppy water gains and not keep alot of it, but again brotha all ependant on your goals. You have proper pc lined up and in hand for that stack?