Alkalize or die



Ok fellows a recent post has brought something to my attention. That I am totally oblivious to this acid thing  I know your body has a ph level but how does this play a role here  enlighten me gurus !!!!!! 




I also want to know, I googled it, and found mixed opinions. Some say it's real and others call bullshit.

How can we check our bodies PH, google says urine PH does not really count. 



New member

I was kind of joking but there is a book called " Alkalize or Die ", the author is a little extreme  .  Basically you want your digestive system acidic to break down the foods you take in, then your body can be in an alkalized state. If your stomach acid is weak then you dont break down food as well and your body turns acidic. The healthiest place to be is not neutral but slightly alkaline .   Theres a direct relationship between the acidity of your digestive system, the alkalinity of your body and your health and resistance to disease



New member

The part I think is bullshit is leading people to believe they can cure disease or even avoid it simply by raising their body's ph level. There is no single cure or cause of disease from my experience, the severity and or ease with which a person gets it or fights it off depends on way to many factors with genetics being one of them.

   I do however believe to have a truly  healthy body one can not be in an acidic state, and when you see the foods that acidify our bodies it does make sense .



New member

Ny I think you are absolutely right, there's no magic bullet imo other than making generally healthy choices in what you put in your body. I mean there are those freaks who smoke a pack a day and drink a glass of booze before bedtime for years and live to be a hundred never sick, never any crippling disease and then they just drop dead. And then the other side of the spectrum you have the exact opposites. Most people probably fall somewhere in between. My undergrad genetics professor in one of the first lectures stated that everyone gets cancer - it's not an if, it is when. Most people just don't live to be old enough to get cancer. But healthy choices can make a difference, how many antioxidants are you putting in your body to defeat the free radicals that do the damage that leads to cancer for example. If you eat french fries every day for years.. yeah, you will likely get cancer because of the amounts of acrylamide and unhealthy fats plus all the free radicals you put in your body. Eat your veggies, don't deep fry shit and you'll probably be ok depending on your genetics.



New member

The body's pH drops when a person has cancer (more in the local environment though). I should dig deeper, to find out what the exact mechanism was but cancer strives on low pH. For bodybuilders the concern is too much protein. All of the cysteines and methionines that contain sulfur either as a thiol -SH or a thiomethyl group (-S-CH3) get metabolized and one of the end products is sulfuric acid. Kidneys in turn need to neutralize that acid and suck calcium out of the bones to do that. There's some interesting statistics showing that big dairy and meat countries have higher rates of osteoporosis. Too much protein without extra calcium will make your bones soft. So there is that.
