Anavar pumps



Im coming down to the end of my cycle. It has been an incredible ride. I have lost so much fat and still Maintaining my weight. Its pretty obvious that im juiced out of my mind. Everyone has been asking me if im on the juice.

I really like using Anavar. We know it as a mild compound and not too harsh on the body. My experience has been great with it. I notice strength gains and extreme pumps. Sometimes the pumps are too extreme.

That brings me to my point. By being active on MG I have learned that these pumps can sometimes be painful. What supplements to use to combat the muscle cramps and I decided to play with the doses to limit intense painful pumps. I lowered my dose from 100 mgs a day to 80 mgs a day. I have not lost any gains, I can now feel the effects better. We all need to learn our body and listen to our body.  Thank you D_T for  teaching me about taurine. Actually he just told me to read about taurine and for me to do my own work. I also have spoken with Dolf about the painful pumps. So the point is by talking and posting and seeing good feedback I have learned how to use it properly instead of just dropping the drug..




You put a smile on my face, You are a prime example of how someone should prepare and  run their cycles, you asked question's but even more importantly you listened and researched then put what YOU learned into practice and had an amazing cycle using one of my favorite compound combinations lol congrats on the success brotha you earned that shit  +1



New member

you mentioned losing a lot of body fat in your post. was that the reason you chose anavar in your cycle?

I am asking because that is my main goal in my cycle which in fact starts today! Santa Claus came today, always a great thing to see waiting for you after work. made me forget about the electric bill, cable bill and insurance payment that was there

This is my first time taking the anavar. I was going to take 50mg ed. running w 750mg sust wk.

congrats on your work and results btw





New member

you mentioned losing a lot of body fat in your post. was that the reason you chose anavar in your cycle?

I am asking because that is my main goal in my cycle which in fact starts today! Santa Claus came today, always a great thing to see waiting for you after work. made me forget about the electric bill, cable bill and insurance payment that was there

This is my first time taking the anavar. I was going to take 50mg ed. running w 750mg sust wk.

congrats on your work and results btw






Let strong elaborate on it more, but through talking to him I know he put a lot of focus on diet and cardio with this cycle.



New member

well that's definitely the focal point. training and diet. nothing in a bottle is gonna turn a fat ass into a skinny one. I have no delusions about that. I am hitting double sessions 45 mins high impact cross training. morning w 1 cup black coffee otw. I have some type of stinger in my shoulder right now so not much sucks because I cant push or pull so wtf? been playing basketball at night. luckily I have indoor courts at gym. Ready to go more heavy squats and deadlift. But I also like these in high rep. Also love to do cleans too (always big football exercise) but dont dare because of back.




 on my first cycle I did test e 500mg a week. I blew up to 287 lbs. I was really just trying to get back to working out. Had some bad injuries and health probs that took me away from working out for 8 months. During that 8 months I got depressed and fat real quick. when I say fat I don't mean a slob just way out of shape. I had no energy and had been reading about AAS.  I experimented with Var on my first cycle just cause I wanted to. I loved how hard it made me feel even though I was out of shape. I really planned out my next cycle after learning and asking questions.  Between cycles I dropped about 5% bf from cardio and good diet. By the time I hit my second cycle I was on a fuckin mission. D-T was the first to mention the sust/npp cycle in posts. I added a badass liquid var from at the time the best source. I really hit the cardio hard and sped up my workouts. I realized that Was the only way I would lose fat. The var just gets me rock hard and I love the pumps. I wouldn't say I chose var to help lose fat, That comes from dedicated diet and hard work. The var is just a bonus. I recommend to everyone this badass cycle. Thanks to D_T, Standing, Dolf and sieg who helped me plan it. Now im really looking good. I plan to post a pic from my last cycle @ 287 to when this one is done in 2 weeks.




ehhh, He's not grumpy. He just has no tolerance for bullshit which I respect. I'm on his team no matter what Milk.




Aint that the truth =) Sometimes I don't understand myself brotha  but I know you understand my Madness
