

New member

Hi everybody,

I'd like some advise on taking Anavar.

I'm around 190lbs and was wondering

what would be a good dose. Just got

done with a short 3 wk Test P/EQ cycle

and want to introduce Anavar .

Thanks guys !  




3 weeks of test and especially eq is a waste brother. Eq needs to be run minimum 12 to 16 weeks. 16 being more preferred. Why don't you go to the cycles forum and log in a cycle and let some of the members help you hash out a good cycle, so your hard earned money does not go to waste.



New member

Yep you gonna need to post up some more info.  Any other "cycles " ran? What's your bf% I see you are 4'10" 190 pounds. Let's start there.  



New member

I don't know BF% sorry, but I am 5'8, not 4'10.

Test E / Deca 10 wk cycle, Dbol kickstart.

PCT was HCG / Clomid

I have NPP and Anavar now.

Thanks for your advise guys

I was diagnosed with Low T, the reason why I even

started a cycle.






With low t rather than pct you can just run a low dose of test brother. If you create a cycle in the cycle forum members like kfizzle who knows his stuff can help set you up with an excellent cycle.



New member

I'm interested in short cycles, cuz I don't

want to disturb much of my own natural

test production, my last bloodwork was

550 total test. It was, if you can believe,

160 ! I was gona run a Test P / NPP, but

was told NPP will KILL my endo test, so

I was thinking of substituting it with Winny.

I think the EQ last cycle was the culprit.

Please Advise.

Thanks again guyz !!!    




3 weeks on test prop and eq was fucking pointless and your reasoning was foolish.Im going to be blunt with you.(Deserves Caps)IF YOUR NOT PREPARED TO TAKE A HIT ON YOUR NATURAL LEVELS THEN DO NOT TOUCH STEROIDS.IF YOU HAVENT COME TO GRIPS WITH THE DANGERS OF STEROIDS THEN DO NOT USE THEM YOU CAN NOT CHEAT DEATH(IN REGUARDS TO SHORT CYCLES TO SAVE YOU NATTY PRODUCTION)Bro that cycle was a waste of time.Steroids will take a hit on your natty levels is no way around it especially as you get older so chew on that for a minute when you have come to grips with that then come talk to us.Dont give us this chicken shit anavar cycle for your test production.I dont believe in dipping your toes to take a fucking need to jump in or stay out.with all due respect I just dont want to sugar coat if for you goodluck brother




Look my man if you're low t and prescribed test by a doc he should have told you it's a life long commitment. You come on here and ask questions, but nobody knows your goals brother. Thats the point of the cycle log. Tell us what your goals are and what your plan is to achieve those goals. Then we can help you set up a plan to easily achieve your goals. I understand that everyone does not want to run cycles to become a beast, but we can't read your mind.



New member

I wasn't prescribed Test by any Doc, I took it

upon myself to supplement with trying a cycle,

then take bloodwork to see difference, and then

try and help boost my own production thru PCT.

I wasn't aiming at being a Gym rat.

But now I want to learn how to cycle properly

for a lean mass gain, with minimal damage, you get

me Dolf ??





Ok bro im going to keep it real here  I didnt even read through the whole thread I stopped , to me its sounds like you been following some gym rats advice you are all over the place here brother , all due respect I been there and got played like this , I thought I knew something and I didnt know shit and I hurt myself real bad ,,, so lets get real here ok , you want to take things to the next level, let me know , you need to know your body !!!!!! Or you are wasting $$ and your time ,,, you need logs , you need education on , ai, and espicicially 19 nors , keep playing and the 19's will make you want to committe suaside think im playing ??? Go check mynposts for 7 months ago ,, I speak from exp,,, so what is it you want to do ,??. Want to run propper get educated , and get the bestm outm of your aas , your call ,, were all here to help sieg




I'm feeling you now. First off I could be wrong, but I think once your natural test levels are gone (which 160 is very low) you can't get them to naturally come back higher than 160. That's why I said trt is a life long commitment. With natural test levels you could run low to moderate weekly test e or c injections and make great gains, but you have to eat if you wanna bulk. Judging by what you've posted I'd say you do not have many if any cycles under your belt. (Like running eq for 3 weeks) A test only cycle is what you need. Once you know how you react to test then you can run other compounds with your test. You can do yourself a lot of good by doing some research on different compounds on the web. 




+1 sieg. He has unrealistic goals. Not that they are bad goals; just unrealistic. And  sieg is right about the 19nor (npp, deca, and tren) 




Im speaking from experience, my first year of using was from a gym rat he didnt give a fuck about my well being only the bens in the wallet , I thought I knewmsomething , I knew how to fuck myself up thats it, thats whynim here !!!!! So another brother does not have to go through it , andm I know 100% this brother needs help getting on the right track , well the invitation ism out there , out , he wants help , he wants to be honest , he wants to get big , and do it safely and still have children and bempart of something great here mg , the call is his sieg




+1. Schoolboy , and just because your reading up , stay active  and ask questions , be active in community this is your site now as much as mine , and any other member , we dont play cliques or favortism , wheather you have 1 karma or 300 you get the same respect , zo I expect to zee you acfive school boy , ieg




Good to hear it schoolboy , if you dont mind me asking , what did you come up with , sometimes all these posts can be very confusing , I know they were to me in the beginning , so I didnt care I asked questions , dont hesitate to ask a question , we at mg are here for you.  Sieg




X2 with sieg. Any questions don't hesitate to ask brother
