Aspirate murky goo



Yesterday i Aspirated my glute pin and pulled a little yellowish substance up.  wasn't sure at first so I pulled a little more. looked the same as blood does when it pulls into the syringe, but a different color.  

I wasn't sure what it was so i put in a new needle and fired it back in me. figured if it came out of me it couldn't be too bad.

I'm guessing i pulled some oil that hadn't absorbed yet. I have no sore redness or anything funky with the site. I'm going to lay off that glute for a bit.

Anyone else have an experience like this?




Sounds like some Greg Valentino shit when his arm exploded....lmao. I knew a guy that he had same thing but on glutes. Said it was oil that hasn't absorbed. 




Happened to me once with quads. I pulled out, changed the pin, and hit a spot a few inches over. Didn't gove me any issues, and hasn't happened since.




I haven't had issues now in three days. Not sure what it was but it was gross none the less.  just finished pinning nearly ED so not I'll be on to twice a week of E and EQ. 
