

Well-known member

So, Me and another member on here are going to Meet up in South America to take a Spiritual journey. We have talked extensively about this ayahuasca and have decided to take the journey!

There is an Indian ritual and and a retreat in South America hosted by real natives that walk you through this journey, it is supposed to be a life changing experience. Its a mixture of plants and i guess you trip balls, but its an out of body experience that is just insane. I adding a link so you all can see what it is. I'm so excited to take this journey, check it out and give me your opinions.  





I've entered sanquasi numerous times. Ayahuasca is no joke. It can be frightening at times. Stay focused on the songs, they'll take you to places in your reality you may have experienced before. It's best to take ayahuasca with the guidance of a native shaman. I have a few intense stories....




Blast, thats the plan.. we paid a couple grand each to stay in the village with the natives and the shamen (grass huts and all) They with be making the Ayaheuaska the real way, Scientist have not been able to duplicate the way the natives do it... I feels like a 50 year journey when consumed! if you try it and buy it in usa it last 10-15 minutes and most people freak out. Thats why we are going with the shamen so he can take us through the trippy journey. you should watch the movie i attached its VERY interesting!






I just googled ayahuasca, and watched maybe 10 differnt videos , i agree to have a shaman present , if not i believe you will not get your journey  ,safely and theoughly. 

It just fasinated me , for real the singing and chanting are what brings the spirts to allow you on your journey.  

If i could ever afford it i would 100% go to the amazon and use the healing.    Very very deep.   




Man, i have an intense story to tell. But. it'll have to wait till later. Amazing stuff, not to be taken lightly whatsoever! There are many horror stories out there when white dude hippies think they can moderate a journey. I believe there's something in the genetics. I'll post a story a little later or over the weekend :)




Its in our blood line blast.   This reminds me of its called a sitting out , there is no substance used but we fast. For days , then we go to a secluded are in the woods and basicly no food or water and we sit till our fetches come , you believe what i believe so google fetches under our catagory.  

We have 2 guardians.  One is a for us were male so ours is female.  But we also have a animal attached to us.  I have not sat out yet.  But many times when i was hurting and in danger the owl has swooped my truck many many times.  

One night i was thinking of my father heavy we were close hes dead a long time. But it was just cracking dawn and something made me go out side as i did 2 huge owls took off together from a tree branch in a pine glided toward me and slowly the 2 looked down on me like in slow mo

Owls dont fly together.   So waiting on your story.  This i love.  The spiritual.




I've done sitting out, many times, and days on end. Though at the time i had no idea it was in my blood. Mine is the hawk, and sometimes bats. Hawks tell me I'm headed in the right direction, bats let me know I'm free from danger. Plus, I've always had an affinity for the Goddess, don't know why, just do. 

Used to spend a lot of time on the Mountain when I was younger, sleeping out under the sky, no tent, just a blanket and an old sleeping bag. When you spend time like that, alone, really interesting things happen, things come into clear view, i found i don't need much, so for that reason, the need for things dropped away. Like Charlie Daniels sang, "I ain't got no money, but I damned sure got it made!"  ;)




Sig, Trip is paid for and it is going to be the "trip" of a lifetime, I am a very spiritual guy and so is the other dude who is going with me... Well truth be told, i am going with him. our spirit guide has been doing this for 40 years ! It is in Kapitari Peru, The shamans name is Don Lucho

He is well respected in his craft, There are so many things involved like mud bath and cultural food and music and atmosphere and so much more, Its really not too expensive. What ever the cost i think id pay it! You come back from the experience a changed person, usually for the better and i for 1 Want to keep improve my self ... Mind, Body, And Soul! Im excited as hell to go!!




Since our fylgjur (fetch) are birds of prey, we are of sn untamed nature, sounds about right to me! Berserkers were said to take on the form of their fylgjur, and go whoop some ass!


Mister A


I tried convincing a source on here to make me some awhile back. He wouldn't give me DNP so he also wouldn't budge on the DMT. Taking the trip to Peru has been on my radar for a couple years now. I've done every recreational drug I can think of except Peyote. They don't have that stuff where I live. I'm not looking to get high anymore. I'm seeking a spiritual experience. Kalpa, I look forward to hearing about your experiences.




Ooooweee, the Peruvian tea is STRONG! Way more intense than the Brazilian tea. Pervians allegedly put datura in it to bring out the dark recesses of our minds, I'll tell ya, i believe it. Story yet to come. Gotta write it on a computer, not a phone :p




My day will.come., im also very spiritual.in my belife which is identical to this and the rituials 

I cant wait to hear the experience 




Im attached to freya , i just got a dedication book.to her i need read already. ..

Gives me chills the like ness 




The beserkers would skin and whear bear skins and mountain lions and about anything 


The berzerkers are and were no joke.   And real very real 




I'll preface this with a little background that led up to the night where things got, well, intense.  While working in Santa Fe New Mexico, I met a few folks that were deeply involved in ayahuasca, or purga, as some call it. It's called purga for good reason; you purge both psychologically, and physically. I'll get into that later... Anyhow, they asked me if I would like to come to a ceremony some day to which I gave an affirmative answer.  I had confided that I was well experienced with psychedelics, which gave them confidence that I was a perfect fit for their ceremony. I went a dozen times, and to me it was rather light weight.  Sure I had some cool experiences, vomited a bunch and so on, but nothing like what I will recount to the best of my memory... Here goes.

I was invited to come to a ceremony led by a Peruvian shaman.  My friends had gone a handful of times to the jungle where he lived and brought him to New Mexico for a three day ceremony.  Of course I said yes to their invitation.  I was to follow a certain fasting-like diet for a day or two before.  I don't recall what that was exactly, but it was pretty easy. Also, it was customary to wear all white.  The ceremony was to start at dusk.  

I arrive to the location a little early to help set u if needed, plus I wanted to actually meet the shaman, Jorge Gonzales.  He was a short stocky man, who spoke no English whatsoever, but he fluent in his naive Indian language and Spanish.  I go by with a little spanish.  We set out the spaces for the folks who were expected to attend; vomit bowls, water, a mat to sit on.  Shortly thereafter the attendees arrived, many more than I had expected; somewhere between 50 and 75 by my estimation. Women were to sit on one side of the room, the men on the other. I am not sure why this is the case, but must be tradition perhaps.

 Jorge set up an alter of sorts comprised of some Christian statues.  They seemed like mere props, for he did nothing with them what so ever. He lit some tobacco and blew the smoke into two jugs of tea. One had a blue ribbon around it, the other a red ribbon.  Everyone was seated at this point.  His attendants went around with some rose water (I think, or something like that) and some old spice. Each person in the circle were doused heavily with cologne and were cleansed with tobacco smoke. At this point, if you smoked tobacco, it was cool to have one, so I rolled one up.  Once that was complete, the Maestro began filling small cups with the thick, black tea from the jug with the blue ribbon.  Occasionally, Maestro would take a swig from the red ribbon jug. I though it peculiar.  Once the attendants (my friends) came to me in the circle, they went to Maestro and chatted a moment. He looked at me for a moment, nodded in approval, and poured me a large glass of the red ribbon jug.  Once I downed that vile liquid, my friend said the Maestro told them I cold have as much as I wanted.  I was sure that amount was about all I could take. Nasty tasting stuff, tastes like fish emulsion smells.

Before the lights were turned off, the tea began to take hold quickly, and strongly, much more potent than the teas I experienced thus far. Psychedelic patterns began to be quite evident, the body rush was intense, but so far not a problem, and mildly enjoyable.  THe lights were extinguished, and his assistant began singing some kechua songs ( ayahuasca mun ti nee, munta koona ki ya nee...) that at once were eerie and beautiful, elegantly simple. His attendants began moving around the room doing a strange little dance, blessing each participant I assume. I could feel my stomach getting a little weird, pre-vomit stage for sure. It went away for awhile...

The maestro sent another glass of tea over to me and I obliged, more out of respect than anything else, I mean the stuff tastes really foul. It took me a minute to get it down but I did eventually. The stuff hit really hard at this point. I all I could do was figuratively hang on.  The without warning I vomited huge amounts of stuff, then immediately felt much better.  I had learned to let it go in prior ceremonies, otherwise its pure suffering on many levels. The first thing to slip from existence, was time. I cold no longer tell how long I had been here, or whether this would ever end, this was eternity.... To be continued, gotta go read to the little one before bed




Its sunday i know.but.you got me checking in for part 2 !!! .whats up.very courious. , you know im into this.  , so what happened.  ????
