Back in the game!

Hey MG Fam! Got up this morning and decided not one more day will be missed out of the gym. Granted I am not supposed to go back until 4/1 but I know what my body can do. So did some bi and tri work along with legs and glutes and a little abs and a little cardio. Felt amazing!!!! Of course had some help from Metallica, KORN, Nine Inch Nails and others! LOL

**I am really limited to 10 lbs and what I can do so if anyone has any suggestions on arms and abs especially would be much appreciated! I cannot push, pull need some creative ideas! **

Yes..I expect some of you to get on me for going back early..but I know what I can and cannot do! I want to get ready for my first pin on 4/1! :)




I'm gonna get on you! I know you've been chomping at the bits to train, but a setback could cost you another surgery, more money, and more missed gym time. Please take it easy. Maybe call your doctor and ask what you might be able to do in the gym : )



Well-known member

Triple B I am getting on your case as well. The mind and body have two different ideas sometimes in what they can and can't do. Be VERY cautious you do not let your addiction cause you more harm. 

I am in the same boat and it is not easy. ;)






not happy bbb,

there is a reason the dr says 4/1   you may have got lucky ans avoied a disaster here !! you got all that pain and time and $  .into your surgery. and you have what. 7 days left ?? actually you got 8 days left. add a day now its  4/2 ..

dont want to see you more messed up.  ... you have another week.  ...  chill out  ..follow drs orders 




Im with SF on this TripB, lets proceed carefully. Longevity is key here. April 1st is around the corner. Consult the doc as Dolf suggested. You want your new twins to be healthy and perky ;)


Little K

New member

I get what you're going through but I'm telling you, I'd put money on it, you're going to hurt yourself. This is especially true if your implants were placed sub-pectoral as opposed to sub-glandural or sub-fascial. Your surgeon literally went in your chest and manually created a pocket for your implants to sit with a metal scraping tool.

Stick to light cardio and light legs. Key word being LIGHT. When you start breaking a light sweat, call it a day and go home. Try to think of it as you doing the right thing for your body (that you just spent thousands to improve), as well as doing the right thing for your mind. I know it sucks being out of the gym - so go to the gym but take it easy while you're there.

From one enhanced sister to another, I'm serious about this.


Hi All...I really do appreciate your concerns. But exactly as Little K put it..doing light work out. What I curled today was within my lifting limits/restrictions. Did work on bi and tri's and that is all. Did my tush and legs but at 2/3 weight I was lifting. Did 10 minutes of cardio. Not running so guess more like a strong walk. When I started to break a light sweat I did call it a day! 

I really do appreciate your concerns. I feel really good this afternoon. I cannot sit out until 4/1. That is another almost 6 weeks. By then I will be needing locked up in batshit crazy house! 

Perfect song today....Disturbed Down with the Sickness :)





Well-known member

As long as you are focused on doing no harm I have your back so become............

[[{"fid":"33733","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default"},"type":"media","attributes":{"alt":"White Zombie - More Human Than Human","class":"media-element file-default"},"link_text":null}]]





LMAO! I just ran to the grocery store real quick and guess what I was playing in my car! That is almost freaky! Love Rob Zombie! 

And I am taking it very easy brother! Thank you!!!!!


Blast...I could not agree more! There may not be a lot of us in here..but the ones that are in here are wonderful ladies! 5 star ladies in my opinion. They all have been amazingly warm, welcoming and helpful! 


I think we need a music section in the forum! I am always looking for more music for the gym but HATE sitting and searching for it because when I do I can never think of what I want...its like the lights go out in Georgia. So..what about that idea? Peeps can post some of their favorite stuff. 

May be a dumb idea but I know I would use it and music always motivates me unless it's Frank Sinatra. I throw that crap out the window!


Little K

New member

I'm trying to help by putting myself in your shoes. Just don't want you overdoing it and setting yourself back. I trust that you're not jumping back to an every day routine yet?


Hi Little K:

Thank you! And I really am not offended at anyone who is "on my case." I know it is genuine concern and care! Makes me smile actually. 

I appreciate you understanding where I am at. I cannot fathom sitting here for another 6 weeks! I am really taking it easy. I may go again tomorrow but it may just be walking on a tread or something. Nothing major. I just need to get some blood flowing. Sitting here the past several weeks I feel like my waistline is growing and I hate it! I know you understand. 

Again thank you Sista for looking out for me!!!!!! I would do the same for you as well. 



New member

what!? Frank Sinatra is great! for the right mood.   I'm music junkie you tell me what you like and I'll give you some music similar but better.   These bands eat Disturbed for breakfast ;)
