Best Shoulder Movements for Growth



I did the same exact thing for my shoulder as well, that is the wide grip uprights. Now I can use any grip I like :) 

psst... low dose deca on trt may be the reason my shoulder is basically healed ;) give it a try you may like it



New member

I've not done upright row because I read they are hard on shoulders.   Blast ya think 125mg a week would help with my shoulder?  Its much much better but not 100%  

Lets not forget as I often do the dull but important exercises for our rotator cuffs



New member

I'm not on trt mind you, but coming from a guy that has some pretty significant and permanent orthopedic injuries. Deca really does help. One thing you'll hear most everyone say, around here especially is that it's only gonna serve as a bandaid. I'm not even really farmiliar with any specifics on your shoulder, but as long as youre on top of it I think you will really be pleased with deca in that reguard. Doesn't take much at all, but it takes a little time to really start being noticed...



New member

Thanks JD! my shoulder injury isn't bad at all.  I think it stems from loosing my serrates muscle from sugury as a kid when my lung collapsed due pneumonia.  I gotta do the work on the bands to keep my roator cuffs strong I know this but often neglect it. I'm excited to get going with this new blend of Test n Deca  



New member

Rotator cuffs can be a career ender man, be careful. The eventual fix for major rotator injuries is basically a shoulder replacement. My dad has had both of his done after manual work his entire life. It sounds like it's in your mind though, that's the key, because it's when it starts feeling better that you get cocky. That being said, hit them weights brother!



New member

I do my best to try and implement as many different exercises and variations as I can to keep the muscles confused and help promote growth. From lighter weight keeping everything nice, tight and controlled to occasionally going heavy. I tend to avoid going too heavy on my shoulder presses as I've had a previous injury that I'd prefer not to re-aggravate. Rotator cuffs move in so many different ways and are fairly complex compared to some other parts of the body so there's a lot that can go wrong as I'm sure many of us are familiar with unfortunately.



Well-known member


You may find that 100mg every 10-14 will do you good. I know I was at 100mg a EW and eventually found that 100mg EOW was enough for me. With a small theraputic dose I was not concerned about serum blood level stability.


