Best strength stack?


New member

Hey guys I am really into powerlifting and trying to see what sort of cycle would give me the best results for overall strength. My current total is 1225, @205-210 bw. My short term goal is to get down to either 198 or 185 and be able to hit 1300. Long term goal is jacked @198 and hitting 1600 raw. Any advice or help thank you in advance! Any suggestions on first cycle for strength gains? I was thinking of running anavar, test suspension, Winny, and clomid and torem as pct. Very open for suggestions. Thanks in advance



New member

 For your first AAS cycle I would recommend some Test E with just Dbol, only use the Dbol for the first 4-5 weeks of your Test cycle. I think you will like the strength and muscle gains you will achieve. Clomid and Torem is fine for PCT but you might want some extra Torem or an AI on hand during your cycle to control possible Estro sides.




Check this out brother



New member

Sounds good. How long would the cycle be? 9 weeks? Also how much total money wise estimated do you think it will be?



New member

I would try for 12 weeks with the Test and the first 4-5 weeks for the Dbol. Prices very but there are plenty of good sources on here to get a good Idea of $$. I would take Dolf's advice and check the link out he posted.



New member

Yes, Test alone can and will increase muscle and strength. Thats the reason after all these years its still the most used steroid and base for any cycle.




test by far is the best ,and a must ,its the base to all ..your first cycle ,I'd hammer 500 a week of test for 12 weeks , Ai,and.pct.of course ... A oral I.dont.recommend first.cycle. But.not.totaly against something light ... I would prefer you get a feel for.the test and know how it.effects you ... Then second cycle add a oral , and keep a log ,a.log is a must.



New member

I like the addition of an oral, however i would use it at the end. Last 2 weeks of cycle and as a 2 week bridge into pct. youll get a feel for test only and the oral will bust down any wall or plateau you run into towards end of cycle. 



New member

My first cycle was test e 500g and dbol 40mg 5 weeks and it was a 10 week cycle. My strength gains shot thru the roof. 30+lbs on bench 50lbs on dead and squat. Good solid cycle. 
