Best time for cardio


New member
Ive heard people say first thing in the morning but have also heard after your workout. What do you guys prefer?


New member
The first thing in the morning is the BEST!! When you first wake up your body is burning calories for the first two hours. This is the prime opportunity to double that and make the best of it... Look at the Military ... What is the first thing they do when they wake up (besides get dress and make the bed)----PT baby 3-6 miles runs then chow time....

BUT... The next best time to do cardio is right after an intense workout. Your body is already in calorie/fat burning mode so 20-30min of cardio right after will work to.

Hope that helps bra....


first thing, but not on an empty stomach...make sure you eat the right kind food pre and post workout to maximise results and prevent muscle breakdown


New member
Thanks for the replys bros, confirmed what i was already pretty sure about. the military reference was awesome and completely makes sense.


New member
If you are doing it in the morning, then just drink a protein shake before you do it to prevent catabolism. You dont really want any carbs in your system when you do this since you will burn that for energy and not fat which kind of defeats the point right?

After workouts isnt that big of a deal since you have exhausted all your energy reserves during your workout. You would be in prime condition to burn fat.


New member
morning time will be best to do any type of physical activities as body have energy to do these kind of activities and benefits are more in the morning.


New member
morning hands down! I like a bit before my work out i know its not the best time for freshness but it gets me amped up.