Blood values (Iron)


New member

Hey guys the hospital just called in few minutes ago.
Basicly my free T4 was lower than usual (trenbolone?)
And my estradiol was higher than normal (test). But told him I already fixed as soon as I came home after drawing blood for the lab, by killing it with the aromasin/exemestane+letrozole/femara combination.
But he said the only real problem I have is extremely elevated iron values in my blood.
The endocrinologist said that this would need further investigation.
He said it might be some disorder that some people are born with.

Now my question what roids rises iron values?
(I'm on proviron, T3, Trenbolone, Testosterone, 1st 4 weeks kickstarted with dianabol, stanozolol, hcg, ghrp-2, finasteride, Trenavar prohormone, hemp seed oil, saw palmetto, N-acetyl-cysteine, aromasin & arimidex)



New member

hopefully someone can assist with this, i do not now about this one, but based on that long list i assume you have experience? My question is Dbol and winny together? thats like trying to light water on fire with a sparkshooter in my opinion, but who knows you may have your reasons, just seems odd.




can you post your blood work?

was it ferritin, or iron saturation, or plain old high hemo #s



New member

turnupthegas said:
</p><p>hopefully someone can assist with this, i do not now about this one, but based on that long list i assume you have experience? My question is Dbol and winny together? thats like trying to light water on fire with a sparkshooter in my opinion, but who knows you may have your reasons, just seems odd.</p><p>
</p><p>Already stopped taking dbol it was only used 1st ~3 weeks to kickstart the cycle.<br />This is my 2nd inject cycle experience only a little, done research though.<br />Why is stano and dbol a bad combination? I didn't experience any sides back then.<br />That was 2-3 weeks ago.</p><p> </p>


New member

Burrr said:
</p><p>can you post your blood work?</p><p>was it ferritin, or iron saturation, or plain old high hemo #s</p><p>
</p><p>No clue bro, I have no copy he called me. And he said basicly if it keeps on going like this I will need to donate blood, something with blood and iron saturation over time because otherwise all the iron will collect and stick to my organs or something along the lines. Can't remember :'(</p><p>edit: PS hemoglobin was high aswell. Also after my last cycle it was 11.1<br />Old bloodwork after cycle:</p>




You probably just have the usual high hemo#'s that almost everyone see's on cycle.  go give some blood, and do your own blood work so you can see whats going on. You cant ask your doc to do your mid cycle bloods every time, especially if you dont get to see the results yourself.



New member

Burrr said:
</p><p> </p><p>You probably just have the usual high hemo#'s that almost everyone see's on cycle.  go give some blood, and do your own blood work so you can see whats going on. You cant ask your doc to do your mid cycle bloods every time, especially if you dont get to see the results yourself.</p><p>
</p><p>I will get a copy next week because then I have an appointment, but he said he would call me within 2 days.<br />It's a labtest at the hospital he promised me to inform me ASAP so that's why he did it over the phone.</p><p>I have no clue what the current values are of my HemogloBine but they were elevated.<br />I feel fine though and have no issues whatsoever. But thought asking the more experienced ppl around on the boards would not harm thanks for the input bro.</p><p>Also my brother nicked a vein when he injected me with tren 1-2 days before the blood work.<br />Maybe that played a role with the high iron?</p><p> </p>



It is a normal result of doing steroids to have elevated Hemo #'s 

some of the steroids we use were created just for treating anemia, and boosting red blood cell production.

Deca and Adrol are two examples of anemia drugs. The typical method to deal with this is just to give blood every 8 weeks



New member

Burrr said:
</p><p>It is a normal result of doing steroids to have elevated Hemo #'s </p><p>some of the steroids we use were created just for treating anemia, and boosting red blood cell production.</p><p>Deca and Adrol are two examples of anemia drugs. The typical method to deal with this is just to give blood every 8 weeks</p><p>
</p><p>What about decreased free T4 levels.<br />I'm taking T3 25mcg and Tren decreases thyroid function.<br />Am I fine with 25mcg a day or should I do more? I prefer to stick around 25-50</p><p> </p>



Stalker2016 said:
Burrr said:
</p><p>It is a normal result of doing steroids to have elevated Hemo #'s </p><p>some of the steroids we use were created just for treating anemia, and boosting red blood cell production.</p><p>Deca and Adrol are two examples of anemia drugs. The typical method to deal with this is just to give blood every 8 weeks</p><p>
</p><p>What about decreased free T4 levels.<br />I'm taking T3 25mcg and Tren decreases thyroid function.<br />Am I fine with 25mcg a day or should I do more? I prefer to stick around 25-50</p><p> </p><p>Sorry bro, i dont know jack about thyroid function</p><p> </p><p>



+1 and x2 with burrr....donate blood for the simple fact aas use increases rbc. Normal levels for a male are 42 to 48% of your blood to be rbc. Mine was 52% last time I donated. High bp and high iron levels tie into this. Does your doc know you're using aas? These high rbc counts and iron levels will alarm your doctor and make him think something else is going on. Aas will be the last thing on his mind.



New member

Stalker2016 said:
turnupthegas said:
</p><p>hopefully someone can assist with this, i do not now about this one, but based on that long list i assume you have experience? My question is Dbol and winny together? thats like trying to light water on fire with a sparkshooter in my opinion, but who knows you may have your reasons, just seems odd.</p><p>
</p><p>Already stopped taking dbol it was only used 1st ~3 weeks to kickstart the cycle.<br />This is my 2nd inject cycle experience only a little, done research though.<br />Why is stano and dbol a bad combination? I didn't experience any sides back then.<br />That was 2-3 weeks ago.</p><p> </p><p>
Dbol is a Bulker and makes you retain water and Stano is a cutter and dries you out, those two are trying to do opposite things and it becomes a stalemate brotha, you wouldn't notice crazy sides other then the fact that its two orals, but my point is winny would be the guy digging a hole and dbol would be the guy on the side throwing dirt back in after every scoop out. make sense? just counterproductive.</p><p> </p><p> </p>