Bloodwork for Steroid Users




There are many reasons for steroid users to get routine blood work done, I'll touch on the main reasons and the protocol for ordering blood work.


We like to see users get pre, mid, and post cycle blood work.

Pre cycle will give us a baseline testosterone level, the state of your bloods red blood cell levels, and a picture of organ function.

Test level: This will give you your natty test level, and give you a target number to get back to after cycle and PCT, This will also let you know if you are already on the low side, and flirting with a life of low T by running a cycle

RBC, Hematocrit, and Hemoglobin: these numbers basically tell you how thick your blood is with red blood cells.  This is relevant because steroids raise these levels and can lead to dangerously thick blood and an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. 

Liver and Kidney Function:  Knowing how well these organs are function can help you make the decision to run a cycle, they will be taxed harder on cycle.

There are other things you can check with pre cycle bloods if you know you have issues. Cholesterol and thyroid function are a couple.

Mid Cycle: Do these the day after you pin, about 6 weeks into your cycle.

You will get to see just how good that testosterone you bought is. A typical beginner cycle of 500mg a week usually leads to levels between 2500 and 4500 ng/dl. You'll get to see your estrogen level, an important thing to know on cycle. 

See how you blood, kidneys and liver are handling the cycle. Maybe you need to give blood to get those numbers down, or abort the cycle if your liver or kidneys are overly taxed.

Post Cycle: Do these about 4 or 5  weeks after you finish PCT                                                            You'll get to see if you recovered your precycle test levels, and see that your SERMs have your LH and FSH ( hormones that get your gonads working again) elevated.


It's easy to order your own bloodwork, especially in the US outside of a few states back east.

The easiest method is to order online from and purchase the female hormone panel. The online company acts as your private Dr and orders the bloods to be drawn and analysed by Quest Diagnostics. Almost every city has a Quest blood drawing lab. This test cost $73 and can be used for pre, mid, and post cycle.

There are other online labs that provide similar testing, but some of these test will not show your test number above 1500, or give false numbers when running tren and deca. Online testing is difficult to order in a few eastern states, you may have to drive to a legal state or pay big bucks for a local lab.

Some guys will try and use their regular Dr and let insurance pay for it, not really a good idea.  You don't want your Dr knowing you are about to take, or currently taking steroids. This will go down on your permanent record!



New member

should be a sticky! if there is on these forums. I access it on my phone so not sure. I wonder if one can pay using an mra card (medical reimbursement account) for this..? Great info. My doc clocked me at 1500 test so not that accurate and he was giving me a bit of a hard time everytime i went. He obvsly doesnt want me doing steroids. heh 




Does anyone know if lab Corps still has a test available that will show your exact number over 1500 & where can you go to use quest labs?



New member

Thanks so much man.. Honestly I wasn't going to get bloods done but after this post I am going to ASAP.




100% agreed my friend! you dont do labs, you shouldnt be doing roids... Unless you want to have a back covered in zits because your test is converting into e2 because you test receptors are full ! personally i dont want my E2 too high... it makes me cry when i hear a sad song or wathch a sad movie... and then the wife calls me a bitch... she says quit crying you little bitch ... HAHAHAHAHA

PS true story!






Hey thanks Burr, i was Just asking Jarhead about this shit, i need a blood test NOT through my doc... Ive used this before but forgot the name of the lab... so thank you sir! Ps you have never visited my gym brother! come see me sometime





That would be awesome, but I will tell you now that after I saw his last pics from stage.... bro I couldn’t hang!! Lol

I would be all smiles though :)
