Braking the Myth's


New member

hi fellas,

i would like to clean up with some myths. i am reading since many years a lot from massive dosages and myths about hgh, slin anf other stuff on severell forums. most are very exaggerated. but i admit that there are some contemporaries who do overstate. these are exact that people who cant go for years in that competition biz! they die or they get very sick and are forced to stop.

let me tell you some true things as a competitor.

i will not make much explanations on some details because i have read allready a lot of good advices here. the most things were said correctly in stickys e.t.c. so you can allready find mostly every info.


first a little story but please excuse my language barrier.

so really quick. my very first cycle was bad. i had no knowledge and did not want to inject. so i took methandienone. you know them as dbol. i took 20-30mg/day for 6-7 weeks. i was going to explode:) water retention, wrong eating e.t.c. i gained some serious lbs. but nothing clean and stayable.

but i learned and started to read and do better. i trained harder, eat better and had nicer gains without any aas. when i was 23 i started a cycle aggain. i was preparing for a contest because many people around me were pushing me in that direction. so i started with my cycle like this:


250mg testosterone enanthate e5d for 16 weeks

i only had 6 weeks diet. the last 4 weeks i took 50mg winstrol eod with testo-p 50mg ed. last day before contest furesemid 3 x 20mg. last testo 4 days pre contest. thats it bro's. i was in very good shape and made the 2nd place. here is something you should keep in your mind. winstrol is a competition drug. if you not do comps you dont need it. 

my first hgh came 4 years later and i did a couple of very good contests without hgh and the other hard stuff. today every hobby sportsman is taking drosta, tren, halotestin, winstrol and so on. in the past we took less but trained harder. today it is the opposite. you all really should think and inform yorself about it. 


last sentence, some of you will think 16 weeks is long. for hobby yes. in contest situation it is very short. but fine as a beginner. so thats not a advice for anybody. it is just a info what a amateur bodybuilder does for contest preparation.






I've ran moderate amounts and I've ran extreme amounts of gear. Well what would be extreme to me which is upwards of 1200mg test, 1000mg eq, 700mg tren, and 75 to 100mg of different orals. I have also read many articles of the amounts that pro bodybuilders run, and 1200mg test is a cruise. I've seen amounts of 3000mg test claimed to be ran by these pro's. The last article I read the guy summed it up like this. No matter how much you run if you don't have elite genetics you'll never be elite! Even with the pro's some are more genetically blessed than others, so they make up the minor difference with more gear. Even then the elite genetics still win out. Also some individuals respond better to aas better than others. The better responder can get away with less gear. We are all different and each react and respond differently to gear, training, and diet. 

Thank you for your insight brother!



New member

thats some serious amounts without competiting dolf :)

i wanted to show up that small dosages are enough to make first steps on the stage. really mild doses. the rest ist more discipline than genetics at this point. when it comes to heavy weight you are right. but too many young guys start very high ammounts of gear. it is mostly not required at this beginning point and genetics do not matter the first years. later ob stage... ok i agree. what i mean is, nobody start in the kings heavyweight class. sure, the heavier you get, the more aas you need. but believe me... 20 years ago, we all looked like beasts too and we did not run so high rates of tren for example. not so many different gear at the same time. today every hobby bodybuilder stack drosta tren and testo. in hobby use i cant see space for that. maybe i am little oldshool:) 

for example, in my opinion, if you go over 1200-1500mg testo/week... sides grow bigger than the benefits. today it is like... you take gear for the sides and than go 2000 -3000 mg or even more.

i think the bio constitution of your body is more important than genetics in muscle. picture, some athlete can run much higher amounts of gear than other and fellas think this guy is blessed with genetics. i hope you understand what i try to explain with my horrible english :)

my highest rate was testo-e 1200mg, 800mg deca and 60-80mg dbol/100mg turinabol in bulking times. it was enough for stage with 92kg of ripped beast mode with 176cm height. but what you have read is sadly true. some individuals overdrive. it is the same with hgh. i never met a pro who took more than 16iu. when i look on some pseudo pro interviews... they talk about 32iu. this is crazy!!

i know times are changing and requirements change. the whole game changef. the first beast on stage shows the road which the others must take. at the end... i've always been a fan of definition, symetrie, quality and a deep sharp look. mass was never my first plan. in my comps there are a lot of guys with more mass but i still win the one or abother contest with more deepth and sharpness. but the judges differ sometimes and i loose aggainst other competitors because they are heaviyer. so it is and was always a subjectiv sport right? ;)



New member

haha... some really did dude. in the 90ies and early 2000's there were only few labs for the elite. people used mostly pharma grade meds. for example xxxx. it had only 50mg/ml. so how do you inject 600mg of it :) crazy. or imagine testo-p. we had only some pharma grade with 50mg/ml. 4ml ed. so you were forced to explore every injectable muscle. today you are much more comfortable. i can remember fellas loosing winstrol out of the muscle on stage live in competition because shoulders were full and when they flexed... all the soup came out the capsuled areas.  bad situation;) and i remember one thing more... caused by the high amount of inject volumes... bodybuilders had a big fight with abscess. so happy that these days passed




Think about it....why did high mg gear come about? Meatheads popping crazy amounts of gear.




At the time I wasn't looking to bodybuild. I was looking to build massive strength.  I was looking to dead lift over 600lbs, squat over 600lbs, and bench upwards of 500lbs. Unfortunately age, genetics, and injuries derailed my attempt at these goals. Now I run more moderate doses and look to have a good physique. 



New member

thats ok. i am sure you know exactly what you are doing. i know my self and when i stop competitions in a few years... my plan is stop taking aas. after that i will not have a reason to cycle further. but that will be a hard fight after 30 years of beastmode. everybody know this adonis effect. 



Well-known member

Adonis effect. What a great way to discribe it Kitten! I ceased cycling recently and I am full time TRT. It has been an unusual transition but I also am seeing some great opportunities of overcoming some physical personal challenges and goals without the use of steroids beyond a replacement dose.

Everyone that knows me here knows I am a huge advocate of ‘less is more’. Although I have always used responsible doses I have been a little hypacritical because I have never been afraid or overly cautious of self experimentation.

Steroids have a place at every level but it is difficult to know what is the limits at a level of their use. Many of us are so impatient and are keen for quick results we end up placing an over relience on supplementation and fail to be more disciplined in the things we have in our control.

AAS have risks at any dose and if we are not prepared to pay the price that might need to be paid or use them responsibly then it is simple drug abuse. 

At then end of my steroid journey has taught me a clear lesson... there is no safe dose of any drug. There is only responsible use.


