BruceWayne New Member


New member
What’s up my fellow brothers ! Just want to introduce myself. Names Bruce. I’m 37, 195 lbs 5 10 in height.

I have been training on n off for 20 years. Prob done 10 cycles over that time. Basic ones like test e 500mg wk deca 250mg wk. 12-20 week cycles.

Back to 2011- on cycle midway through shitting blood mucous ended up being diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. Stopped immediately. Tried again same cycle got sick again for 6 months. Decided never to touch anabolics again.

2019 started cycle same as before test e deca same mg stated. Sick with ulcerative colitis for 2 years. Finally in remission in 2021 not sick. Blessed to have a normal bowel movement, literally thanking god every time I can get in a car without feeling like I have to go to the bathroom, or have a normal bowel movement. Idk if I’m suppose to write this here, if not I’m sorry.

My main question is, is my anabolic days done ? Anyone on here like me with UC ? Or how I could do a light cycle without being thrown into a flare ? Is anyone knowledgeable on my problem. Any advice for a fellow brother is greatly appreciated.


Well-known member
watch advertisements on tv, theres a new pill just for uc that just came out by the fda it stops uc i cant remember the name . go see a gastroenterologist for guidance on getting on the pill but dont tell him u want to do steroids. just get the drug. u had it bad my brother , blood and shit, thats not good. good luck.

Well-known member
welcome Mr. Batman :ROFLMAO:
as for anabolic days - you could try a light cycle with test only. such as 300 mg/week. definitely forget about orals though. have bloodwork. every once in a while and see how it goes. also, have you been working out during your flare? i mean, lifting weights alone (without steroids) aren't affecting it?


New member
Batman lol I am him lol yes I have been working out 3-4 days a week, doesnt seem to be affecting it. No steroids since before I got really sick. So nervous to get that sick again. Tough decision to make. I want to be Batman again, but for now feeling like Alfred lol


New member
I’m not sure I got diagnosed while I was on a cycle about 10-12 years ago. Could have been the gear or that I always had UC just didn’t know. Could have been my diet as well. Certain foods I don’t do good with


Well-known member
Welcome brother, and I'm sorry to hear that.
UC is what killed my grandmother. Still the hardest death I've ever had to deal with. 3 years ago, the night of the super bowl she left the party early and went to lay down. The next morning she was rushed to the ER... 2 days later she died. Most of her intestine got infected then she went septic. Tough old bird tried to sleep off a massive infection.
So please be careful brother.

As far as gear and UC... That's a great question. I know steroids are usually used to treat it... But that's a different kind of gear.

Now... Instead of doing cycles, what about just trt?
That said, when's the last time you had blood work?

Most people would be shocked by how much muscle you can get on trt.
Hell I just came off a big blast 500 test, 400 tren and 400 mast.
The last 5-6 weeks I've been on cruise of 125mg of test and I'm still putting on lean muscle. Granted not as fast, but it's still happening!

So I recommend having a very open and honest conversation with your doctor, and getting bloods done.
If your natural test is below... 600... Personally I'd jump on 100-150mg a week


Well-known member
If you get a honest answer from your doctor please let us know what he said so we can help others in the future.
Because I googled UC and steroids for bodybuilding... And... Nothing useful.

Well-known member
indeed. you do not need large dosages. up to 300 mg/week is more than enough for great results, and assessing the way it would work for you and how it may affect your UC.