Building those arms


New member

Calling all walks of life! Do you have what it takes to build those arms you carry? Ever heard the expression "curls for the girls"?? Do you also find the time at the gym some days to be rushed due to life? Alot of the time I'm asked how I got the arms I do. Being a tall guy its very hard to avoid the lanky look associated with tallness. Well this workout is very beneficial to adding mass to your arms. I stand by it because it works for me and I LOVE a good pump. Here it is:

Warm up.

50 rope tricep press downs
50 straight bar bicep curls
50 straight bar tricep press downs
50 rope hammer bicep curls.

No rest between, real light weight as that's a 200 rep set.
2 minute rest. Increase weight. Go again, this time 30 reps each. 2 minute rest, increase weight, go again, 20 reps.

Rope press down drop set - 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20
Straight bar bicep curl drop set - 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20

Your arms should already be fried already. Roughly been 20-25 minutes already.

Close grip bench press if your elbows can handle it. 12 reps, 10, 8, 6. Heavy weight, superset with those preacher curls. 12, 10, 8, 6 reps. Heavy again. No rest between two exercises.

Rest 2 minutes and begin overhead dumbbell extension, 12.10,8 and 4. Superset with cable crucifix curls. 12,10,8,4,and 2


 Mixture of volume and weight here. Just how i love to lift. Mix it up, loose the ego, and keep changing the effect on those fast and slow twitch fibres to make them grow. Happy growing! 

****Keep in mind the intensity of this workout it is not advisable to make this a weekly exercise. Use it to burn out those arms once possibly twice a month TOPS.


Mister A


Normally I eschew anything not classifiable as simple, but I think this workout can be beneficial. Supersetting biceps and triceps movements creates some good flow. The only thing I don't like is the overhead extensions set with 4 reps. First of all, failing at 4 reps on that movement would require quite a dumbbell. Secondly, I'd like to still have working joints in my 40s. I can't think of a worse extension movement to do low reps on than one that involves such a deep stretch of the target muscle. IMO, no extension movement, whether for triceps or quads, should be brought lower than 8 reps.



New member

In theory yes over head dumbbells would require a heavy weight to tire but given the location in this exercise not so much. Fatigue becomes a massive factor. Like I said ego needs to be left and you won't be lifting as heavy you might think. Due to the brutality of this workout it would not be advisable to do it every arm day but is great for once a month torching of the arms. Possibly twice. Promise you won't be sorry.


Mister A


All of that is very relative. There's no need to discuss my personal strength when it comes to overhead extensions because my second point was much more important. You keep doing 4 rep sets on overhead extensions and I'll be the guy who can still train triceps when I'm 50. If you're truly committed to leaving your ego at the door then there's no need for that set. 



New member

Everyone has what works for them and this forced growth for me. Just sharing my experience is all.




Good points by both men above. That looks like an arm Blitz workout....  I can attest to being almost 50 and being cock diesel strong my whole life. Shit catches up with you. I have to rework all my workouts from going heavy on certain movements. I personally like to only go down to 4 reps on The main heavy lifts..  Doesn't mean I wont try this arm Blitz workout.. Thanks for taking the time..



New member

I like the Supersets.  My younger years, I always supersetted Bis and Tris.  Good combination, and I have always had large arms.  Good routine to add to the mix, at least try.  I remember doing Arnolds 8 hour arm workout one day while I was in High School, and I believe I did it again a month later.  Good to experiment.



New member

Blitz is a good way to describe the workout yes! I hate going heavy and I'm young. Prefer volume, drop sets, and time under tension. Your welcome man.



New member

I prefer to do bis and tris together and target all my other body parts individually the other days. Found my mind muscle connection to be better that way. Jesus an 8 hr workout?? I can't do that lol



New member

Damn bro you sound like a tv info-morcial. Lol sounds brutal tho. I'll have to give it a go and see if it does any damage to these lanky 4' arms of mine. Lol 



New member

But one of those infomercials you actually like ;) lol its very brutal. Not going to sugar coat it. What you think you can do you won't be able to do. Its a real ego buster but it'll make them arms grow.



Well-known member

This workout would be tough for me and possibly not possible to complete but each and everyday that I hit the iron I put forth all of the effort that my body is willing to give and then I take just a little bit more from it because I can! 

Growth is not measured by how much we do but how much effort we put into what we do.

Adopting this mindset is the key to house that I am building.




New member

Don't let all the sets and reps mentally fuck you. Its more about getting the reps in vs weight. Very doable brotha. Excellent mindset to have SF. Only way to make the gains!
