Caber and Drug Tests


Well-known member
Been searching and came up with nothing though.

I've been on my cycle for a bit now and been drug tested while on test and deca. Also, my AI (arimidex). I know they don't test for steroids specifically otherwise I'd have failed.

However, no failed tests yet and the AI hasn't caused issues either.

I began a little Caber not too long ago. Was having issues with delayed/near impossible orgasm and a very slight gyno beginning. Had bloods done and prolactin was a bit elevated.

Began a small regimine of Caber and both issues ceased almost immediately.

Today I had a drug screen and it's the first screen I've had since beginning Caber. I'm a bit nervous because it's uncharted territory for me.

Will Caber cause a drug test failure on a standard drug test?


Well-known member
Caber won’t show on the test…you’ll be fine. Most likely they are looking for opiates, cocaine, meth, weed, etc. I get tested due to some prescription I get and they don’t test for caber…Kaiser doesn’t release what drug tests they perform. I finally requested a copy of the test once I went into a leadership position, (you also have that right, but most don’t ask, for the test results, because they are afraid if they ask, it may look like they use and are worried about it). I have been on heavy, heavy gear, using caber and “never” had an issue when tested…be at peace…


Well-known member
Caber won’t show on the test…you’ll be fine. Most likely they are looking for opiates, cocaine, meth, weed, etc. I get tested due to some prescription I get and they don’t test for caber…Kaiser doesn’t release what drug tests they perform. I finally requested a copy of the test once I went into a leadership position, (you also have that right, but most don’t ask, for the test results, because they are afraid if they ask, it may look like they use and are worried about it). I have been on heavy, heavy gear, using caber and “never” had an issue when tested…be at peace…
LMFAO, dude said HEAVY, HEAVY gear. That gave me a great laugh this morning.

Thank you sir. I appreciate you chiming in as well.

I hadn't found much on the internet related to my question and as supps and you just said I was pretty sure it would just be related to standard opiates, benzos, weed and so forth. However, I was hoping that one of you vets have actually been on some Caber when taking a test in the past and had first hand experience.

Thanks broski!


Well-known member
…I can use another adjective for you if you would like…like over 3 grams of gear per week during competition…


Well-known member
…I can use another adjective for you if you would like…like over 3 grams of gear per week during competition…
Bro the initial HEAVY HEAVY was perfect lmao.

I gotta say though 3 grams is buck wild! Hope you're doing well in competitions man!


Well-known member
LOL..No longer competing…did some crazy shit when I was younger..thank God I made it through ok!
Glad to hear that man! It's a jungle out there lmao.

I've done a handful of cycles. Nothing too crazy. I also never compete. I tried it when younger because it sounded fun and in all fairness I did do quite a bit of research and knew a few local guys.

Started with Test Cyp only. Then did a few Test and Deca cycles. About to wrap up a Test and Deca cycle now. Eventually, I'd like to try some Tren Ace and Test P. I'll keep Test at low dose near TRT levels and probably try 250mg Tren per week pinning ED.

I'm about to start cruising. I've felt so much damn better on cycle and now that I'm older I know I'm experiencing low T from the pre cycle bloods I did.

I'm thinking of a constant cruise at about 200mg Test. Every now and then blast with higher Test and some Deca. I get good results with those. I really do want to try Tren just to see the hype lol.

I'll never compete so I will never end up blasting crazy levels of shit or doing 3, 4, 5 compounds at once.


Well-known member
Bodybuilding is an extreme sport and I was at that time training with some heavy users who looked incredibly big and eventually, did try heavy dosages, something I had promised myself, I would never do. I was wrong! Unfortunately, we do become (most of us) a reflection of our environment. I did become too big and felt like shit, most of the time. It’s an addicting thing…you become addicted to that look, to that feeling of invincibility and off course, some women love that…yeah, I lived that life for a while…until I met my wife.

I only lost my size when she couldn’t get pregnant…due to my heavy use…and eventually, had to get off of test and everything else, and get on Hcg and Clomid for about 8-9 months to get my balls to produce healthy soldiers…eventually, it worked but I lost size even though I was still bigger than the average person. I never stopped working out though.

Since being a dad, my priorities changed and I have since adopted a different approach to life and learned a valuable lesson and is that you don’t need those crazy ass doses…muscle has memory, and since, I haven’t gone over a gram per week, for the exception of a few times, when I had some guest appearances…and new ahead of time…and needed the money.

Now, I’m giving something back to others, and help on this forum kids mostly, and some older guys who need a little guidance. I no longer write or am part of other forums or affiliations. Just like this forum and the people here are decent and honest and do give honest advice. Unlike some other forums…

By the way, Seymour, Tren is a great compound, however, it’s an extremely dirty anabolic that can produce a lot of sides if one is not careful…be especially careful with your mental state when on that compound. It accentuates your real personality, and can turn the nicest person into a monster really fast. You have to be strong mentally to be able to handle this compound…especially, at high dosages. I have found that is best to pin everyday, keeping a steady, or stable flow and trying to avoid peaks and valleys which can lead to unwanted “sides.” Also, 200 mgs is what I cruise with. Anything under that gives me ED.

Again, welcome to the forum.


Well-known member
Cruising on 200 mg of test not Tren. Forgot to mention test and wanted to clarify that…
Yes sir! I got that my man. I am contemplating trying my cruise at 150mg test; but, going off my pre cycle bloodwork and where my test was at I think 200mg would be better. Might just be me wanting that extra little bit subconsciously. Either way there is no way my cruise will be above 200mg weekly.

I appreciate you giving some background info man. I'm happy for you that things worked out with the wife and it seems like you're in a much better place overall.

The environmental aspect of people changing and becoming what is around them is definitely something that holds a lot of weight. In most cases it does work that way.

I definitely won't ever be competing. Mainly just because I don't want to be on that much gear. I don't have anything against that at all. I mean shit, I use gear. Has nothing to do with that. It's just for me I think that it's healthier in the long run to avoid that and since I'm not competing it is unnecessary. With that being said even doing some blast cycles is unnecessary. I really only need to do TRT. But, here is where the addiction you mentioned comes in lol. I love the feeling of being on. Being my healthiest self in the long run would definitely include me not doing ANY gear. But, there's that whole decision and decisions have consequences thing. At the end of the day it would be best to never do anything but TRT. However, I don't drink, don't do drugs, don't smoke or dip (although I do use tobacco free nicotine pouches and am working on kicking that) and overall I'm pretty healthy. I get my bloodwork done regularly when on cycle. Pre cycle work, mid cycle or sooner if having problems, and get it done post cycle. I will get it done regularly while doing my TRT cruise as well. I think that I will more than likely only do 2 cycles/blasts a year and the rest of the year be cruising on 200mg test. Don't think I'll ever do a cycle other than some test and deca or test and tren. Aside from doing massive amounts of A LOT of compounds I think one thing that gets the pros in trouble and hurts them is the constant shedding water weight and getting as dried out and lean as possible. That shit just ain't healthy. But hey, part of the job!

I have done a lot of reading on Tren and my info I've gathered in the majority is what you mentioned. I'll be using Tren Ace and pinning ED. Got some Balkan 75mg per ml so I'm thinking of doing .5mg each day which would put me at 260mg per week to start and go from there. I WILL NOT be going over 50mg and 350mg per week tops. When I start out I'm gonna most likely do 25mg Test P pinned ED. Be looking at 175mg Test P and 260mg Tren A per week. Read a lot about doing ED can help with sides and also keeping test low in relation to tren and that helping with sides.

If I plan to start cruising with 200mg do you think that doing 175mg while on the Tren would be an issue? Should I just keep it at the 200? I was only thinking of lowering like I did to keep a bit more space between Test and Tren dosage. Although if I do end up getting up to 350mg each week that Test could come up too.

Thanks again bro! Appreciate the laugh this morning and thanks for the help man!


Well-known member
You are on the right track. Keeping test around TRT levels will work wonders for you. Keep Tren dosages higher than test. Starting slow is the way! I would recommend, if I may, that you get yourself some caber (in case your prolactin levels shoot up, which they will), and Arimidex.

How old are you? What are your stats?


Well-known member
You are on the right track. Keeping test around TRT levels will work wonders for you. Keep Tren dosages higher than test. Starting slow is the way! I would recommend, if I may, that you get yourself some caber (in case your prolactin levels shoot up, which they will), and Arimidex.

How old are you? What are your stats?
Of course you may lmao, shit just say listen here mother fucker! I have a very colorful personality lmao and being a military vet only contributes that.

I already have some Arimidex and Caber. I've got the whole bag baby. Both compounds, AI, Caber, liver support, and a raging hard on to try it lmao.

Do you think doing the 175mg Test P per week at the beginning would be a bad idea if my cruise is going to be 200mg? I was just wanting to keep more space between dosages since Tren will start at 260. But, if 200mg and 260mg wouldn't hurt may as well start there and then just gradually up Tren to the 350 max if it works out and at that point I'd keep Test P at 200mg for the cruise dose.

I'm 34 - 5' 10" - right about 215lbs currently - BF is about 15-17%

I'm getting a body comp scan done next week. Scales are trash and calipers only go so far and mad user error combined with not being a perfect science. We could get the body comp scans done when I was in the military and they are fucking cool and super accurate.


Well-known member
…LOL!!! Now it’s my turn! You’re a funny man! I needed that! What branch? And thanks for your service. I come from a military family.

Start with 175 mg of test prop. You are gonna love this cycle! It’s something that I’ve used before and it’s best to start at that dosage and then adjust if necessary than the other way around…

Test prop is great with Tren. I used to cut with prop, Tren and winny. Talk about striations, sex drive and incredible pumps…it was insane!


Well-known member
No need to say that man. Thank you though.

I was Army. 3rd ID at Ft Stewart.

Right on. I'll try out the 175mg Test and 260mg Tren for the first couple weeks and adjust and then gradually move the daily mg up on Tren, never going above 50. I'll bump the Test up at that point as well. I won't end up going over my TRT dose of total 200mg weekly though.

You're the man dude!


Well-known member
I was in the Navy but only in boot camp in Great Lakes, Illinois. Got hurt in training and never got to do what I wish I had done, which was to become a seal like my dad. I guess God had a different plan for me.

I wish, all these kids without direction, went into the armed forces and learned discipline and especially, respect, honor and integrity.

Keep me posted on your cycle .


Well-known member
Dude, if you're pops is still around tell him thank you for me. Mad RESPECT to him. SEALs are fucking legit. Only other things that really compare in my opinion when looking at US Armed Forces is Army SF and Army ODD.

I'm sorry you got hurt man. That sucks big time. I was 3rd Infantry Division at Ft Stewart like I said so my MOS was combat arms 11B. Similar to your pops. Although his level of hard-core badass = about infinity and standard Infantry is just badass lmfao. I was getting ready to go into Ranger school when I decided to get out. Couldn't deal with some of the political bullshit anymore. There is a lot I miss; but, sure as fuck not that. Rangers are badass but nothing like SEALs, SF, and ODD.

Buddy of mine who I met in basic training at Ft Benning was actually in BUDs with SEALs and got dropped due to a real serious pneumonia complication that came up from cold water Temps and extreme training. He wasn't authorized to go SEALs anymore due to that pre existence condition. Which is how he ended up Army Infantry.

I will for sure let you know bro!

Do have a question though...since this is the first time I'm introducing my TRT cruise after my cycle rather than PCT.

If my cycle was 14 weeks, 12 deca and test and full 14 test, how long should my cruise be? I've seen guys say 14 weeks to equal the blast. I've also seen guys say they only cruise for 8 weeks regardless of the cycle length. I know some of it will have to do with the individual just like all compounds and cycles. Also figure that the dosages and amount of compounds would play a role. I'm never going to be doing anything more than test and deca OR test and tren so my cycles wouldn't be overly insane and dosages not out of this world. My test deca cycle now was 700 test and 400 deca, ended up dropping it to 600 test and 300 deca for the last half and had better luck. So the dosages aren't insane either.


Well-known member
Hey Seymour,

Hope all is well! You did well in dropping to 600/300 mg. I like the 2/1 ratio when it comes to nandrolones. Think of your body as a glass of water, and water as the gear. The glass can only hold so much water before it spills…. The same with our bodies. You were smart in recognizing that you were using too much gear, and made the right choice. This is why I always advise others to start small and then add, if necessary, than starting too heavy (😁) and then having to retract…as this can create unwanted side effects. Your body couldn’t process the amounts given effectively and efficiently, that’s why less was better. It was overwhelmed. Let your intuition guide you.Trust yourself before others - always! You have a good understanding of your body. The only thing is that if you start with large doses, where do you go from there? After a while, only by adding more mg, will your body respond and that’s when side effects start to happen. I only started to feel the effects of my crazy cycles at 44 exactly. You can mitigating/avoid this by being off for as long as you are on (difficult to do after a while because you might become impatient) or off even longer.

Hopefully, I was able to answer your questions. Stay strong brother.