Can you keep making gains while on TRT dose



Hi guys Can you keep making some gains while cruising on TRT dose of 150mg test e pw. or would I get better results cruising at 250mg pw. been on 500mg test e pw for many months now had great results but I have stalled with some gains (weight is not budging). strength is still improving every week or two in some areas like (squat,dead lift,overhead press,v bar row) but plateauing in other areas like (bench, skull crusher, bar curl). I would appreciate your advice/experience.

( 45y 5ft.11" 16st approx 12-14%bf go gym 4 days pw approx 2hr each time diet in check)




My experience isn't equal to some BUT yes you can make some gains during TRT. It's more about diet and exercise than anything else; especially at that point. Personally, just split the difference and cruise at 200mg a week!

For what it's worth I hear ya! Having been a guy who lost a lot of weight myself it gets real frustrating trying to lose that last 10-15lbs of belly fat!  If I had an easy answer I would share. Reality is best I can tell the only answer is major cardio along with diet and lifting! Try to burn 300calories a day doing cardio. 

Strength gains are as much psychological as physiological for you at this point. Believe in muscle growth, believe you can add strength gains and you will. That said you will probably NEVER have the kind of jumps in gain you experienced this last year.

Hope this was some help. Best of luck in your off cycle!




During TRT/cruise, I do still make gains, nothing like while on cycle of course. If you're gaining in some areas while plateauing in others, you might see gains in the stagnant areas by switching it up placing more energy in the lagging area. Then again, as it often seems, out of nowhere BOOM, plateau busted. As suggested by Mward, increasing cals a bit may help, carb cals of course. Maybe increase carbs by 50g per day and see if that helps. Try that for one week. Then perhaps add another 25g per day the next week. Time your carb intake where you eat 60-75% of the total for the day 1-2 hours before training, if possible. 

I run a stack during the cruise, the SF stack as it were. I run 250mg test e, 150mg primo, and 100mg deca per week. Works wonderfully., and the synergy is delicious.  My numbers are a little higher than the original outline I think...




cheers guys I will take a little bit from all of your advice. I will cruise at close to 200mg pw test e I will add 150pw deca e in a about a months time. The weight problem is not that I want to go down I want to add a little I am currently burning through 4100-4500cal a day depending on my meal plans. I eat close to every two hours between 8am and 6pm 6 meals a day 2 of them being 90 grams each of good quality mass weight gainers (not full of sugars or sweeteners). But I do train in a semi fasted state just a protein shake 30min before gym. This could be my problem but I just can not eat at 6am  and training later with food knocks me side ways in gym. will see if I move up on my next blast if not I may have to rethink my whole strategy. again thanks for all the advice. 




How about a scoop of whey and about 12-18g of glucose, for fast boost first thing in the morning. That could work. I get pure dextrose from a beer/wine making shop or of course on amazon (where its sold as dextrose, which is the same thing).



Well-known member

It depends on your goals.... It is really difficult to train for everything without negatively effecting everything. ;) On TRT I try to put a primary focus in a single area of training i.e. strength, conditioning, mass, etc. based on my overall goals. If you want to gain size you need to eat more... A calorie surplus is a guaranteed method to gain weight. You may be overtraining, not eating enough and/or not maximizing your gym time. When on TRT I find that limiting my training to 1 hour of focused training with a higher degree of intensity much more effective in gaining weight than training 2 hours.

Method (Time + Consistency) = Results. Get the method right first. ;)

As always our diet choice(s) will dictate our results. It is impossible to out train the wrong diet or a poor diet. Adding additional steroids to a TRT dose has minimal impacts above a proper diet but they do lend a helping hand.






BobbyO. I dig how you often bring in the psychological part of an issue. We, or should I just "I", tend top forget that part of it and usually tend toward straight biology forgetting that the psyche is intimately linked, if not an emergent quality of our intricate, and complex (not complicated) biological systems, namely, the brain. Love your angle, man. Your input has been very helpful, and insightful. Thank You :)




During TRT, I aim to "marinate" the results from the cycle, to really instantiate a set point. I keep the training basically the same for some time into TRT, that is, hypertrophy training. High-volume and frequency for me. I do notice a drop in strength for sure, but I am not to concerned about that, since my baseline strength did increase on cycle for many lifts, though perhaps not the compounds as I was training more for size and conditioning than pure strength. Like SF stated, its about your goal and intention, which may, can, and often will change. Just make the necessary adjustments in mainly, if not absolutely, diet. Training approach of course is a close second, maybe a half step away in some cases. If you're looking to cut, diet and train for a cut, likewise for maintenance (or marination), and lean mass gain. I often have to remind myself than lean gains take time, a lot more time than I would like it to. But we are dealing with a bunch of tightly knit systems (and the psyche) which sometimes counter act, and at others synergize (why in the hell is there a red line under that word?! Is 'synergize not a word?! well, it is now, at least my vocabulary psshh).

A couple more cents in the pocket, they add up over time... maybe for a to a trip Norway... someday... soon... I hope... coming home Frejya...




You could also make a drastic change to your training on the muscle groups that have plateaued. They have probably become very accustomed to what you throw at them, so now they don't want nor need to progress anymore. They think the fastball is coming, so you need to throw them a curve ball or change up...




Great point Dolf. One of my favorite 'Arnold' quotes is where he talks about having to trick the muscle. Treat the muscle as if it has it's own weird subconscious and as if it wants to block your growth. It 'knows' whats coming so you have to shock it or trick it with changes to routine. Start huge weight low reps one day or go totally new lifts and routine. Keep alternating regularly. 

The reality is it's a system of 'muscle memory' and it truly doesn't want the new growth....the subconscious and the nerve pathways basically say 'we know this and this is adequate'. Thus shifting to cause them to think, not adequate, will give best results and growth. (Don't forget the proper nutrition etc of course).  Simplest format is to literally think of the muscle as having it's own mind and will and as if it's trying to block you from forcing it to change. [anyone who has ever had a teenage daughter, think of your muscle like that HAHAHA].  

Fun stuff. Great thread guys.



Well-known member

Make it 250 at least that 150mg the doc says is stupid.  And make sure your doing at lest 2 shots per week. 125 Monday  125 Thursday.. This way your blood levels stay up and don't deep up and down as much.  If it were me id change my TRT dose to 300mg and do 100mg M/W/F..



New member

Yeah I would be careful not to over train.  You likely wont recover as quickly like you did on higher doses.  I tend not to know I'm over training until I take at least 4-5 days off, when I return to the gym I see such a better pump. That tells me I wasn't recovering fully 
