Can't Climax


New member

Hello all, if anyone can give some good advice or insight on this topic it would be greatly appreciated. Since I started pinning TestE 250 mg 2x/wk I am not able to "finish" while having sex with my girlfriend. A little background may help.

I used TrenA 100mg, 2x/wk and 20 mg/day Dbol and things were great, no problems. After 3 weeks, stopped TrenA, increased Dbol to 30 mg/day and started the TestE 250mg/ 2x/wk. Since then I can't cum to completion. Anyone experience this, have a solution? Thanks 




There's a thread on this started by bigstick. He's had similar problems, and it could be a whole host of causes. How long have you been cruising and blasting for continuously? Are you using antidepressants? Do you use viagra or cialis?




I can't copy and paste on my tablet but both are under general chat on page 5. One is titled hypothalamus supression. The other titled sex health and started by bigstick_00. 



New member

Thanks guys for pointing me in the right direction. I read up on what was posted and see that it is not uncommon for aas users to experience this. The stamina and staying power I've gotten from the gear has her looking at me like I'm a sexual Tyranosaurus Rex....

Other than the climax issue, I am loving the size and strength increases. People have commented on how huge I got over the past month. I'm finding that this will definitely NOT be my last cycle !!! Thanks again for the guidance, I will try what I read in the posts





Its not the tab its the won't allow me to paste it and chrome allows me to paste but I can't save it



New member

Haha idk milkin but I spit out my water I was sipping on when I read that Mickey mouse tablet comment ... Caught me really fun hahaha

nothing like being able to go forever ... Sometimes I feel like no matter what I could never get off, other times it's as normal ... I never really thought into it just figured it was some mental shit and me thinking too much ... Always felt bad for her tho cuz she thinks she's doin something wrong 



New member

Best thing you could do for your self os get estrogen and progesterone levels checked, I think you will find both are out of whack but which way is hard to guess, could happen when too high or too low , this is why as you said its common for AAS users, the balancing act is tricky. 



New member

I still haven't found a solution to this problem. Standing and I have spoke in great detail over this problem. Some of it is mental. Also I have found lately that you need a break in between orgasms. It's tough tho cause your gonna want to do it more often when using test. I find if I go evey other day the time it takes to get off is less, and the wife is happier cause she doesn't take a pounding. Sorry I can't help, on the days you can't get off just make it all about her!



New member

As u said bigstick, I'm makin it all about her. I realize I could go off the gear to get back to normal. Meanwhile I will try other supps..

Again, thanks to all those who provide guidance and advice. A few more weeks of Test E, Tren E and anavar then I will be done for a month or so. I am a new believer in using gear, My first time was a great experience. With the help of all these posts and threads. Merry Christmas to all, Big Eng 15 



New member

Just make sure you tell her that she's not the problem. My wife knows I'm using and is supportive, but sometimes she does ask if it's her. Women just need the reassurance every now and then. Some guys on here have suggested going to anal after going and going and going...they say it works to get off, I'm still working on my wife to let me go that route, but she has a hard time with it!
