Carbohydrate-Fat Balance has no affect on natural GH production


Well-known member

GH helps regulate fat metabolism. Many people take human growth hormone injections because of the fat loss potential.

Can we manipulate natural growth hormone release through short term diet modification and save some money on GH supplementation for fat loss? A recent research study found that short term diet modifications high in fat and low in carbohydrate or low in fat and high in carbohydrate had the same affect on GH levels in healthy men. 

The study concludes short term diet modifications have no effect on growth hormone levels in blood.

REFERENCE- Growth Hormone & IGF Research, 25: 304-311, 2015

It would be interesting to know if LONG term diet modification would have similar or a different effect on natural GH blood levels.

AFFECT or EFFECT- I will never get that right so I used both! ;)




Mister A


Would like to see that long term study. As well as a study asking if long term GH use (+2 years) has continued effects on fat metabolism after discontinuation of use.

Affect - Verb

Effect - Noun

Just think of "side effect" and recognize it's state as a noun to decipher which to use. ;)




now once you switch out "lessen learned" with "lesson learned", you'll be golden ! ;) HAHA just teasing!

Love the thread, informative indeed.



Well-known member

I actually did that on purpose to see who would catch it. ;)

Lessen- make or become less; diminish

Winner, winner. Chicken Dinner for the Hulkster! 





Y'all cracking me up!! I already forgot what the topic of this thread is... see how you've effected me with the affect conversation!! 




so i passed the test? dude, i never pass tests, my gf can attest to that. When a hot chick passes by, she says to me "nice ass, right", im like "hell yea babe", and BAM i get smacked, FAILED! haha shes a mean devil !




Don't feel bad SF...I have to look up the meaning of each word to make sure I'm using it in the right context all the time. I think I still mess it up from time to time.
