Chest Acne/white head



I always get some backne or some pimples on my shoulders during cycle, but the last two cycles and during PCT ive had a garden of hard white heads on my chest in the pec hole.

The acne/bacne is easy to deal with, but this crap on my chest has plagued me for months now.  Any of you deal with this before. I mean if i get a good grip on them i can shoot the white head out a few inches.  the others just ooze hard white filling. 

Not sure if its from the oil skin from the Test or if I have a different issue going on.

Just finishing a 12 week week test E cycle with 4 week prop kicker and Now onto winny, last pin was yesterday.



New member

What does your pct consist of? Could possibly be estrogen rebound if you are taking adex during cycle.

Sounds like an increase in estrogen either way but try tanning and some type of acne body wash to help out as well. 




Sounds like elevated estro. Usually my first sign is getting acne in places I don't normally get acne. Like iggy said...what ai are you using? 




i guess it's time for an AI. I've not needed one before.  couple cycles ago i ran a rather long one and had no AI and no issues.  i did up the Test a little with this one.  now I'm just on low T and winny what would you suggest for AI.

I've always gotten acne on cycle.  this is new at the end of last cycle to this cycle. 




I'd go with aro in your situation. 6.25mg e3d from now until 2 weeks into your pct. If it's feasible I'd go get bloodwork to see where your e2 levels are at.




Thanks, I've no hair on my head so I guess a dandruff shampoo was never an option. I'll try witch Hazel and try Epsom. I've both.  I wasn't planning on PCT this time around, but I do have some and about a week to finalize that decision. Was going to cruise on 200 ew test e for 12 weeks, and after blood work, blast a prop only cycle, then Winny. Been  cycle pct for a few years, and was going to run this and look at last half of this year off. I'll pick up the ai for sure.




First of all, I agree with Dolf on the aro... Two other things that have helped tremendously, witch hazel & Epsom salt baths. Witch hazel is a great astringent & after a week of applying 2x daily with cotton balls it cleared my skin up significantly. The second thing is Epsom bath/soak for at least 20 minutes. You can purchase some with essential oils or plain Epsom salts but either way it's a great detox!




I'm with dolpf  on the aro.

one other tips,I always use straight rubbing alcohol like 3x a day or more ,and works for me



New member

Agree with above people.  Get the estro in check is the first step.  Tanning absolutely helps me when I break out as well.




That makes sense. I only get about 4 months of decent weather a year..last year I spent 10 months outside training for the ironman. soon as that was over I was inside the gym... projectile white heads!




Rams. The dandruff shampoo has an anti androgen in it that helps control the acne in a different way. Cheap and easy. Just use it as a body wash. 



New member

Burrr said:
</p><p>Rams. The dandruff shampoo has an anti androgen in it that helps control the acne in a different way. Cheap and easy. Just use it as a body wash. </p><p>
 </p><p>I had no idea about this, thanks. Love learning new things. </p><p> </p>