Clomid and Cystic acne


New member

Hey guys, I have a thought for you guys to pick at. My first cycle was test E and 300mg a week for 10 weeks followed by nolvadex with no AI. Gains were ok, no acne-no gyno.

second cycle was test P as a kick start at 100mg eod and then reduced to 50mg and then tapered as test E at 500mg a week was kicking in. Gains were  much better . No sides, no gyno- no acne. I used liquid stane as my AI EOD. Then I used clomid this time around to compare pct products and whoa what a difference. My major concern is the clomid. Three weeks after my last shot of Test E I began my clomid pct and a week in, my chest and torso blew up with cystic acne and I even had a cyst removed from behind my right ear. Taking out each variable I have to blame the clomid side effects for this reaction. any thoughts or similar effects?




Acne, baah we hate it. Reminds us of when we were young teens just beginning to evolve into young men and the dreaded acne that is associated with puberty. But why then, and why does it go away as we break through that puberty period and become men ? The answer is simple and I will debate this one to death - Hormone imbalance. The shifting of hormones, whether it be testosterone or estrogen, is what promotes the increase in acne. Your hormones are naturally balanced and when we cyvle AAS our balance is thrown off. Just like when we were young lads and our testosterone production was soaring upward leaving behind the same form of cystic acne. Most usually can tune their AI to elevate acne breakouts but finding that sweet spot can take many cycles.

Now there is of course the possibility that clomid is giving you a reaction, but I highly doubt it because you most likely would not get big cyctic acne but rather a rash or small bumps. Also, your dosage was higher the second cycle and your acne did no appear until post cycle so that tells me that your levels were somewhat stable UNTIL that third post week and that's when the drastic  hormone shifting occurred. I always experience this post cycle. So your next question is : Well why did I not break out while my levels were ramping up ? That's the debate and without knowing what your T and E2 levels are ( ratio ) it shall remain a debate. Your E2 and T levels may have increased in the paraell fashion that was within that ratio where abnormal sebaceous gland activity was not triggered. Honestly, we don't know just like we don't know why some people don't get acne at all ! 


Semper Fi

New member

A little ECGC and/or Green Tea helps clear it up "For Me".  Plus all the other little goodies from taking it.  Lots of info out there on it :)




New member

I was thinking it was a greater fluctuation from my second cycle, as this would cause a more adrastic dip in my T and E-2 levels, but never having a single zit til a month ago made me question the clomid. killer response milkin, thank you. 

semper Fi -I've never heard of ECGC but Google tells me this might hit the spot! Thanks brother

