Comeback progress - thought I'd share to liven it up in this lonely place


New member

So I am returning after about a 2 year layoff from gym. I was also on NO gear during this time. Completely natural. 

I come from competitive powerlifting background and was hitting elite numbers at my best. 500 ish squat (not elite) 455 bench 675 deadlift

Train using conjugate system (westside). 

Started my comeback late February weighing 214 and benching a whopping 255. Also started a basic test E cycle at 500mg a week. 

Now end of April I am 241 as of this morning and yesterday benched 315 plus monster mini bands after 16 sets of speed work. Easily putting me a little over 405 on bench. 

I've also pulled 495 easily against monster minis as well. 

What's funny tho is I didn't start really gaining fast until about the 3 week mark once test kicked in. Strength almost immediately sky rocketed (muscle memory and knowing how to train helped too of course) but it was easy to tell the test had kicked in. 

Feels good to be back. :)




It certainly has been a bit quiet around here.  Gotta love muscle memory, the nerves and blood vessels are still there. And once they are given the message to act, they do so with a vengeance. Glad you got your mojo back and are crushing it!



New member

2 years off and still benching 225 sounds like you've got great genetics to start with.

Great come back story reminds me a a funny clip



New member

Ehh I don't think so. I am naturally a weak guy. I started out lifting with a 115 bench at 140lbs. 

I came back still benching over 225 due to many years of lifting. Too drop under that I'd have to be anorexic with aids lol. 

IMO genetics aren't as important for powerlifting as they are bodybuilding


Big Nasty

New member

Thats some hellacious lifts War! Glad you are back at it and hitting it hard and getting your gains back where you want them. 



New member

Warpedlifter said:
</p><p>Ehh I don't think so. I am naturally a weak guy. I started out lifting with a 115 bench at 140lbs. </p><p>I came back still benching over 225 due to many years of lifting. Too drop under that I'd have to be anorexic with aids lol. </p><p>IMO genetics aren't as important for powerlifting as they are bodybuilding</p><p>
</p><p>Someone really down voted that lol. Just noticed it. I'd like for that person to explain to me why that deserved a down vote......</p><p> </p>