Considering Having Children....


Well-known member

If your considering having children this is a must read. Many mothers can't breastfeed but many do not out of convenience. I would suggest that this position be reconsidered. I will state this before you read the article so you will understand my suggestion; 

The number one and major ingredient in many of the name brand infant and baby formulas is - High Fructose Corn Syrup Solids. Now that we know this read the article and see why this is a really bad idea. Also watch the youtube video 'Sugar- The Bitter Truth' if you are interested in how the human body processes high fructose corn syrup.

By Tamzyn Murphy Campbell

BSc, BSc Med(Hons) Human Nutrition and Dietetics, RD

Did you know that human newborns and exclusively breastfed babies are in ketosis? 1 I am a dietitian, with two years of intensive postgraduate training in nutrition, and I didn’t realise this until just over a month ago. The fact that human babies are naturally in ketosis is an inconvenient truth because it implies that ketosis (which also occurs when fasting or eating a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet) is not only a natural metabolic state for human infants, but that it’s probably beneficial too. Nature seldom does something without a reason, so it’s likely that ketosis may confer some kind of evolutionary advantage to human infants. Research suggests that it may be one of the main factors behind the development of the large human brain. 2

“Nature seldom does something without a reason, so it’s likely that ketosis may confer some kind of evolutionary advantage to human infants. Research suggests that it may be one of the main factors behind the development of the large human brain. ”


Ketosis is a metabolic state where your body uses fat as fuel in preference to carbohydrates – as occurs when fasting or eating a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet. The body makes ketones from fat, when dietary glucose (from carbohydrates and sugar) is low. Ketones can be used as fuel to produce the energy your body and brain needs to function. The human brain only has two options for fuel: glucose or ketones. The other body organs can also utilise fats as fuel.

Conventional scientific wisdom sees ketones as toxic metabolic by-products of metabolism, which are used as back-up fuel during emergencies only. Ketones are certainly not seen as a preferable fuel to glucose. In fact, many experts are concerned about their potentially adverse effects. Most experts caution against Banting during pregnancy and breastfeeding due to ‘insufficient evidence of ketones’ effect on the foetus and newborn’.

It is important to note that nutritional ketosis is different from the ketoacidosis that diabeticssometimes experience. Nutritional ketosis is when the ketones in the blood are at healthy levels of 1-3mmol/L. Diabetic ketoacidosis is when ketones in the blood reach unhealthy, toxic levels of 10 mmol/L or above.



In the second half of pregnancy ketones supply as much as 30% of the energy required by the foetal brain, implying that ketones are essential for foetal brain development.3 During the third trimester of pregnancy and at birth, both mom and foetus are naturally in a state of mild ketosis.4 Within the first few days after birth, babies adapt to using their fat stores as their primary fuel-source, and begin to produce more ketones.5 Babies convert the fat from their stores and their diet (ideally breastmilk) into ketones.6 These ketones provide them with the energy they need between feeds and act as key building blocks for essential brain structures.7 Human babies are thought to be fatter than other mammals so that they have a reserve to support their higher demands for energy and brain-structure development.8


Breastmilk is high in fat (55%), moderate in carbohydrate (39%) and low in protein (6%). Exclusively breastfed babies are in a state of mild ketosis. Despite this, experts agree breastmilk is the best food for babies and has been associated with various health benefits. Breastfed babies experience better cognitive performance, less frequent and severe infectious diseases, as well as lower rates of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), certain cancers, food allergies, asthma, types 1 and 2 diabetes, overweight and obesity, and high cholesterol.9 World authorities including the World Health Organisation agree that infants should be given nothing but breastmilk for the first 6 months, that breastmilk should be the main source of nutrition for the first year of life, and that breastfeeding should continue for at least one year whenever possible, and preferably for up to two years or beyond.10


Human brain-development during gestation and the first few years of life is greater than at any other time. This is also the period during which the brain is best at processing and utilising ketones.11 The human brain continues to be efficient at metabolising ketones well after weaning, which begins with the introduction of complementary food at around 6 months of age.12 So it is likely that the benefits of ketones for young humans’ brain development continue into toddlerhood and possibly beyond.

This begs the question: would babies benefit more from being weaned onto low carb, high-fat foods that support a continuing state of mild ketosis from 6 months of age (such as meat, organ meats, poultry, fish, eggs, butter, coconut oil, olive oil, together with vegetables), as Prof Noakes suggests? Or would a diet high in high carbohydrate, low fat foods (such as infant cereal, grains, fruit and starchy vegetables) be preferable? We will have to wait and see what the HPCSA rules in November.


    • 1 Cunnane SC, Crawford MA. Survival of the fattest: Fat babies were the key to evolution of the large human brain. Comp Bioch Phys. 2003;Part A 136:17-26

    • 2 Cunnane, 2003

    • 3 Cunnane, 2003

    • 4 Wu PY, Edmond J, Auestad N, et al. Medium-chain triglycerides in infant formulas and their relation to plasma ketone body concentrations. Pediatr Res. 1986 Apr;20(4):338-41

    • 5 Ward Platt M, Deshpande S. Metabolic adaptation at birth. Semin Fetal Neonatal Med. 2005 Aug;10(4):341-50.

    • 6 Cunnane, 2003

    • 7 Cunnane, 2003

    • 8 Cunnane, 2003

    • 9 Mahan LK, Escott-Stump S. Krause’s Food & Nutrition Therapy. International 12th Edition. Saunders Elsevier. 2008

    • 10 World Health Organisation. Breastfeeding. 2015

    • 11 Prins ML. Cerebral metabolic adaptation and ketone metabolism after brain injury. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2008 Jan;28(1):1-16.

    • 12 Prins, 2008.



Well-known member

lol... I am glad you caught that. Creative design or by evolution our natural state is ketosis. Did you also notice the state that the mother is in in the third trimester?

BTW- The HPCSA (Health Profession Council of South Africa) ruling that she references in her last sentence was a case against Professor Tim Noakes who is an advocate of low carb high fat (LCHF) diet. They ruled in his favor and 30,000 doctors from the US Nutrition Coalition signed a petition in support of Prof. Noakes position.






I can't fully agree. We raised four healthy children and supplemented each. I would challenge the biggest mistake I see young parents make is staying on the breast too long and especially waiting too long to move to cereal and foods. (The source of todays epidemic of peanut allergies). 

Breast is best by far. No one should doubt that, but no guilt on the other in my opinion. Experience says it's fine. Heck, I was exclusively bottle fed and I have no complaints. 

Not arguing by the way. Just giving another view point. 



Well-known member

We were metabolically flexible. Look at the ingenious people in Africa... When meat is available they consume large quantities. When meat is scarce they consume root vegetables. When meat and root vegetables are not available they consume sugar- in most cases in the form of honey.

You ever see a fat African Hausa Tribesman who lives as his ancestors did? You ever see a wild animal that is overweight by natural reasons? ;)

Some progress is just not good.





New member

i Was being a smartass. Introducing processed food is in no way shape or form the best choice. Bad choice? Not necessary. For instance colostrum is absolutely vital for newborns as it higher in fat, protein and introduces newborns to valuable antibodies to protect against disease. 



Well-known member

Surely not trying to change anyone's opinion. Simply suggesting reconsider supplementation of formulas containing corn syrup out of convenience. There are many brands that contain lactose as the main ingredient. Infants are born with the proper digestive enzymes already in their system to utilize and breakdown lactose. Unfortunately many new parents are income restricted and shop within a budget so they choose a cheaper version... Corn syrup is cheap! ;)

The scientific facts are clear on how the human body processes high fructose corn syrup and that is not disputable. The fact that breast fed newborn remain in a mild state of ketosis is not disputable. The fact that infants supplemented with a corn syrup based formal cannot remain in ketosis because of the high sugar content is not disputable. The fact that we have a pandemic of childhood obesity cannot be disputed. The fact that adult onset diabetes (type 2) has increased 1000% in the past two decades in CHILDREN is not disputable. The fact that newborns are born in a state of ketosis and we are the only animals that are born with large fat stores for energy is not disputable. The fact that corn syrup has a negative impact on insulin release and leads to insulin resistance is not disputable. The fact that sugar consumption has skyrocketed in the last 100 years is not disputable. The fact that a recent study of 100,000 participants, yes 100,000, in France concluded that processed foods is linked to increases in the cancer rate is not disputable and most processed foods contain added sugars. Specifically in the form of high fructose corn syrup. The fact that sugar is addictive is not disputable. The list goes on.....

What a person chooses to do with that information is there choice. I am just providing information for consideration.

BTW- Because of your age I highly doubt you were supplemented with corn syrup based formula and depending on your children age the same can be true for them. 





Well-known member

I know you were... I was being just as facetious by using an example to support your smartass question.

Where did barn owls live before there were barns? ;)






SF you rule and thanks for not being upset :)  I just like always reviewing the other side of the coin.

in that spirit. I can find no way to argue the value of refined sugars...not of any sort. They are horrible for the human body.

HOWEVER I want to defend science and processed foods (some anyway).  To the question: what did we eat for thousands of years....we also had a life expectancy of LESS than 30years old! 

Retirement age was set in the 30's at age 65 for social security etc...NOT because we wanted to support people in their golden years but rather because that was the age people we expected to die. Back then at age 65 you were not good for work if you were still alive and didn't have long to live in MOST cases.  IE: Even with the huge scientific advances of the age, including and definitely not limited to proper sanitation and clean water, we still only expected to live to 55 on the average.  By 1970 that was it's over age 100 and we are damn viable well into our 70's! 

A lot of that is the quality of nutrition in some pre packaged foods, and the consistent availability of quality safe food.

Now you can debate the percentage of that value but the results prove it has value. The secret to me....use the good and avoid the bad like crazy! 

Okay, that's my fun. Thanks guys.

PS: My formula would have been from 1965-1966 so probably very low sugar or none and yes, I was from the age when the doctor even had Mom put some whiskey in it so I would sleep longer :)   So what the hell do I know HA!



Well-known member

BobbyO190 said:
<p>To the question: what did we eat for thousands of years....we also had a life expectancy of LESS than 30years old! </p>
<p>Why would I be upset? This is a forum and I know you love a good debate.</p>
<p>This can't be used to form a sensible opinion in context to diet or the benefits of processed foods. Why was the the life expectancy 30-40 years for centuries? What were the leading causes of death and illness **? It sure as heck wasn't diet related like today. Despite what many might believe many cancers are metabolically caused... most forms of cancer cells can only survive in the presence of sugar.</p>
<p>**Hint- unidentified fever, <span style="color: #6a6a6a; font-family: arial, sans-serif;">dysentery</span><span style="color: #6a6a6a; font-family: arial, sans-serif;">, </span><span style="color: #6a6a6a; font-family: arial, sans-serif;">scarlatina</span><span style="color: #6a6a6a; font-family: arial, sans-serif;"> (</span><span style="color: #6a6a6a; font-family: arial, sans-serif;">scarlet fever</span><span style="color: #6a6a6a; font-family: arial, sans-serif;">), </span><span style="color: #6a6a6a; font-family: arial, sans-serif;">whooping cough</span><span style="color: #6a6a6a; font-family: arial, sans-serif;">, </span><span style="color: #6a6a6a; font-family: arial, sans-serif;">influenza</span><span style="color: #6a6a6a; font-family: arial, sans-serif;">, </span><span style="color: #6a6a6a; font-family: arial, sans-serif;">smallpox</span><span style="color: #6a6a6a; font-family: arial, sans-serif;">, and </span><span style="color: #6a6a6a; font-family: arial, sans-serif;">pneumonia... do any of those sound like a metabolic related disease?</span></p>
<p>Where did you get the number that todays life expectancy is over 100?</p>
<p> </p>
<p>SEMPER FI</p>


New member

I believe that there is a moderate, sensible solution to most obstacles today.

God bless America, but Fuck the FDA and the Department of Agriculture. Im not going to get into partisan politics, but the US government subsidizes corn, which is why corn syrup and maltodextrin are basically free to produce and incorporate into our food supply. They are subsidizing obesity and diabetes and heart failure. 



New member

There is a doc on Netflix called "the Magic Pill" The case against Professor Tim Noakes is part of it.   Seems a lot of people on the interntez are unhappy with it.   Vegans are often not very reasonable people so its to be expected



Well-known member

If humans evolved or were created to only eat a plant based diet why do we have the digestive system of a carnivore and vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that can only be provided by animal based foods?





New member

Ive read multiple studies which are of the stance that a huge moment in the evolution of the human brain was when humans began to really harness fire and moved into a more protein based diet. As in increased brain size which in turn directly affects the level of intelligence of our species. 



New member

I think it was a move to keep the farms working during the farm crisis and also voting for whomever.   It's a shame we need to turn that food pyramid upside down.




Best source for life expectancy is always the tables of life insurance companies. That is the age for whole life expectation. Some lower quality ones that focus on just term life will use longer...say living to 120 but only to sell a short term non - renewable policy that they know they will never have to pay out on.  Still, far and away the most reliable table. 

As to why life expectancy was shorter. A huge part was clean water, great note of that from Benjamin Franklin's autobiography. And proper sewage. Another was medicine!   Main one is food.....yes that which has enabled us to live longer is killing us now. And yes the things that make the stored food taste good is actually a slow poison (sugar) but the nutrition is huge.    

Do you realize how much taller the average human is versus a century ago? This is not evolution or just changed genetics. It's the gift of solid nutrition EARLY and CONSISTENTLY during the development stages. Thus more people are developing to their full genetic potential. 

Biggest reason however for such an extension of life expectancy is childbirth and infant mortality. A tragically large number of women and children died in birth....far too many. And a large number of children died in the first few years due to illness we consider simple today.

Keep in mind, one person gone young massively skews the stats downward. 

Likewise folks tended to eat very healthy a few months out of the year, but meals in the winter we a bit less quality. Especially for city people. 

Thanks for the discussion. I had to dig in dusty parts of the old brain for these memories of knowledge, lots of fun. 
