Consistent Diet


New member

I am not one for extreme dieting, strict planning or cutting things out. A little background - I don't do any competitions but I definitely want to maintain the best body I can. In doing so I keep my diet consistent I do eat whatever I want but for the most part I make healthy choices but if I want desert, I'm going to have desert! I feel like I've been able to maintain this because of consistency, both with making healthy food choices as well as maintaining a consistent gym schedule over the past 7 years. 

With that being said I feel like dieting has been taken to an extreme - completely cutting things out or not allow yourself to have something if you really want it. Theory goes if you decrease your amount of sugar intake for a period of 2-3 weeks your sugar cravings will be less and so on. So you can definitely train your body to only want healthy foods. I get that strict diets are the make or break for someone who is competing but is the yo-yoing on and off competitions really worth the damage/confusion it is likely causing your body?

Anyways I'm rambling but would love to hear everyones thoughts on consistency vs. extreme dieting. 




Consistency by far I used to be over three hundred lbs tried every diet out there minimal success then I just kinda started eating healthy and counting calories  and stuck with it bam no fad diet can beat and quality and time imo as well 




Agreed...making it too hard to stick with is never a good thing. Small changes and being consistent trumps constantly falling off the wagon on a diet that's too hard.
