Creatine intake while on and of cycle



Hi everyone you have probably had this question many times before 

Is it worth continuing taking Creatine while on cycle or even increasing my Creatine intake from 5g a day to 10-15g as there is a lot of conflicting advice let me first point out I am not weight lifting for any competition's etc I am 44 so any extra joint protection is more important to me I eat high protein diet  and take fish oil etc I found this info below and was looking for any input from people who have tried both sides THANKS IN ADVANCE GUYS AND GALLS :) 

P.s My cycle when it arrives will be 300mg testosterone p split 100mg m/w/f for first 3-4week front load and testosterone e 400mg split 200mg m/f week 1-12 2 weeks after last pin start PCT 


Michael Gundill (a.k.a. Dharkam)….Although creatine does have testosterone-like effects, it doesn’t act as a steroid hormone. Instead, it’s a mediator of some of the androgens’ anabolic effects. In fact, steroid users get far more out of their cycles if they take in massive amounts of creatine along with the drugs. Androgens are among the hormones that can force the entry of creatine into muscle cells. While there’s a clear relationship between muscle strength gains and increases in muscle creatine stores, unfortunately, the relationship is not as obvious when it comes to increases in muscle mass. Animal-based studies have shown that the muscles of untrained rats take up as much creatine as the muscles of trained rats, but the ANABOLIC effects of creatine are only obvious in trained rats. Therefore, training increases the muscles sensitivity to the anabolic actions of creatine. (Although it’s not related to this article,the study also demonstrated that the anabolic effects of creatine are DIRECT, and not mediated by water retention. In fact, in the 1970s American and Russian studies pointed out a DIRECT anabolic effect of creatine on muscle cells). Testosterone increases the muscles’ sensitivity to the anabolic properties of creatine in addition to enhancing the creatine buildup in muscle fibers. It’s also obvious that part of the strength gains people experience while on steroids are mediated by an increase in muscle creatine stores. An interesting discovery A/S users have made is that they should dramatically increase their creatine intake during a cycle to boost the potency of the steroids. Thanks to creatine, people can build more muscle mass with fewer drugs. Anecdotal evidence from A/S users points out that it takes at least 10-15 grams(maintenance)of creatine a day to visibly enhance the the anabolic potency of a steroid stack. There are probably good reasons for the increased creatine requirement when androgen levels are high. As mentioned above, steroids increase the muscle uptake of creatine, and if the muscles are ready to accept more creatine, why not give it to them? I also think that even though steroids enhance creatine synthesis, they may increase creatine degradation as well-so more creatine is used up every day. That could be due to an increase in muscle creatine turnover and also the fact that an elevated muscle Protein synthesis rate will likely consume creatine at a faster rate. Other reasons for a higher creatine requirement may be indirect. Because the muscles of drug users are stronger and receive more training, they may waste greater amounts of creatine during training. Once inside the muscle, creatine provides not only an anabolic effect, but also a rapidly mobilized source of fuel. Muscle Protein synthesis is a process that wastes great amounts of energy. Anabolism is an ATP-dependent process, which means that it’s essential for Protein synthesis. If the cellular level of ATP is reduced even a little, IT STOPS ANABOLISM. So even if you can increase the testosterone content of your muscles, nothing will happen if your ATP level is low. Creatine supports anabolism by providing energy to the muscle”


Big Nasty

New member

This is very interesting. Im not knowledgeable enough to speak on this but the only way to know is to give it a try. Take measurements and good personal data log and see what happens. Thanks for sharing this. 




juat answering the topic

yes creatine while on or


is a good idea




Its got to be worth a try I hit gym 4 days a week (eod) 90-120min each time. start my first cycle pin later today when other half gets home I will up my creatine from 5g to 10g per day from tomorrow I will take measurements later and post gains each month for next three months see if it boosts gains above the average. see if there is anything to this study.
