Current Research on Nandrolone shows new benefits




Interesting read regarding newly discovered benefits from Nandrolone use.




Good read. I love deca personally on cycle. Cant say iv used it on HRT yet, but i am planning on incorporating it in for all the benefits mentioned in the article, and more.

But, word of caution from an experienced Deca user, for theraputic effects DO NOT exceed 200 mg ew. Increasing past that dosage, be honest with yourself, you're cycling deca not using it for therapeutic effects. Sides with high dosages are plenty as a matter of fact and can be very bothersome, and it has SUCH a long life in your system after ceasing administration its ridiculous. Sides like deca di**, proplactin (PRL) elevation,...  Keep it under 200mg ew and you'll enjoy alot of its benefits without the sides. YMMV. 



Well-known member

Very good points Hulk.

My thoughts based on your post are-

I have actually seen a lot of individuals make some serious performance and size gains at 200mg/ew. Most of the journals that I have read state that the therapeutic dose of deca runs more in the 75-200mg every TWO WEEKS range. Anemia patience are in the higher range of like 100-200mg/EW.

I would venture to say if your were an otherwise healthy male and were running Deca in 200mg/ew range that you were cycling but like you said YMMV.

For the average individual the highest effective dose IMO without running into risk of increased side effects and losing more of the end of cycle gains is 400mg/wk. You know me I always preach less is more. ;) I am not speaking from personal experience because I have never cycled deca but I do know many who do and have witnessed the good and bad first hand.

I have read almost everything that WL has published and he certainly knows his subject matter. If you get a chance read about his finding concerning prolactin induced gyno. You might be surprised what his research discovered. ;)





sempfi - i agree with you on, 200 mg ew is on the generous side for therapeutic effects :), AND you will find clinics that will go that high (200 mg ew) without risking the FDA shutting them down. I've ran into a couple of them. Are they $$$ pits and just trying to sell more to get more $$$ without your health as their top priority, im sure they are. 

For therapeutic dose, im guna start @ 120 mg ew and see. When i cycle deca i usually hit the 500 mg ew range and thats where i get serious anabolic benefits from it. any dosage above that, i just dont see the need for since you never take Deca by itself, its always a stack. Hence the 400-500 mg ew would work synergistically with your stack in a beautiful way.

Do you have a link on these publications? You know i like to research and expand my knowledge.

Thanks sempFI!



Well-known member


Google "william llewellyn". His book Anabolics has been available for over a decade I believe.





thanks bratha. I heard about him. If im not mistaken, i believe he's the guy who's against hcg on-cycle, and advocates boom dosing hcg at the end of the cycle prior to starting pct. 

Ill dig into his work a little deeper.




A friend swears by EQ during a cruise at 50-75mgs per week. Rumor has it that L Simmons takes it year round. I looked into it to a small degree but didn't really come up with anything. Have any of you heard of using micro doses of EQ during a cruise/trt? My friend claims it aids in keeping strength and muscle  gains, or at least mitigates loss thereof...



Well-known member


I do not know of anyone personally that uses it such small doses. Your friends claim is true about any steroid because of the increased protein synthesis so I would imagine it all comes down to personal choice and dose. 





In my experience with eq it's very mild, and the two main benifits sre vascularity, and the hunger. Eq needs to be ran at 600 to 1000mg per week to be effective. 50 to 75mg ew would seem useless to me.




blast-arony , brother EQ when used @ 500 mg ew starts showing effects 8 weeks in!! If you micro dose it, how will you notice anything?

I guess what im saying is it defies common sense based on the compound and its behavior in human body. But if it works for him, more power to him. The thing i wonder is your friend might be VERY receptive to any AAS, hence if he switchs to something more active and potent when cruising, he might reap bigger rewards. Only trial & error on his end will tell the tale. Food for the thought bratha :)

fyi - my gf has a hard 8 pack and she eats cheetos and croissants with 4 tbsp of honey right before bed, but it doesnt make it an ideal pre-bed time meal ;) LOL just saying shit might work for 1 person and not for many others, but when looking for a solution, look for something that's the rule, NOT the exception to the rule.





I was kind of wondering about the low dose of eq for the reasons all of you stated. Some times i think folks pin stuff just to do it. Dude is a big ass mother f'er, and claims to run low doses of tren as well for long periods of time. Like brother Sam-aroony said, probably just works for his biological make up. Thanks for the input, my curiosity is put to ease. I like how one simple question and with the concomitant answers bring light to other areas such that one's knowledge of a subject may increase geometrically.

My gf eats a lot of junk but still looks hella hot. If i did that, which i have, i turn into the like of a fat fucking blob




yea, he's probably genetically gifted as fuck, OR his "low dose" is really "700mg eq ew" haha! 

Yea, i only need to watch the gf eat that shit and i gain a couple of dirty pounds that i need to burn off the fucking tmill in the morning! :( not fun.
